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Liam explains to Ryder all about how Stiles dragged him to go check out Theo, saying how he doesn't trust him. That his signatures are off, and that nobody should trust him. Honestly, Ryder is picking Stiles' judgement. He knows Stiles, and knows he's never usually wrong about these things. Ryder also has a sort of bad feeling about the hot werewolf. Knowing something's off with him. Although, that could just be because Ryder is less trusting than most of them. Opting for no friends, up until he met the pack. He trusts Stiles' instincts more than he trusts some new guy. "Apparently, he was just visiting where his sister died. He said he get's the feeling I'm tougher than I look though." Liam claims, a smile set upon his face and he's positively, radiating self pride. "Nice Liam, he thinks your tough." Ryder rolls his eyes, checking the time on his phone. "Your still gonna come with me to be Liam's second wing man, yeah?" Liam questions, standing up. Ryder's been stopping him from leaving for ten minutes, but he knows Liam actually needs to go now. "Yeah, I said I would, didn't I?" Liam nods, and makes his way towards the front door, offering Ryder a grin before exiting the house.

The next night, after another day full of video games and food, Ryder get's gay club ready, which is just him dressing almost the same as always, a black tight fitting t-shirt, and black jeans. He stands in front of his mirror, and points finger guns at himself. "My god Canova, you look fly as fuck." He compliments himself, nodding in approval at his reflection. Suddenly there's a knock at Ryder's door, and he runs down the stairs, beating his dad to the door. He opens it, and looks Liam and Mason up and down. "I'm gonna warn you Mason, I look good, so if they all want me instead of you, don't take it too hard." He hears Liam scoff and Mason sarcastically hum in agreement. He flashes a grin the pair, and closes the door behind himself. "Let's go kids." He gestures for Liam and Mason to start walking towards Mason's car, and they all get in. Mason driving towards Sinema. 

When they arrive, Ryder is not impressed at all. He sees Hayden at the entrance in a tight fitting dress that makes her seem almost desperate for gay guys' attention. So maybe that's not entirely true, but Ryder thinks she looks horrible, and almost says as much. Quickly deciding on silence after realizing that she's their only means of getting in. "Really, Liam? And him?" Hayden looks so unimpressed and Ryder just gives her the same look in return. "What? You said I could bring plus two!" Mason argues, throwing his arms up in disbelief. "Not plus Liam and what's his name!" Hayden half shrieks and Ryder wants to cuff her upside the head with all his werewolf strength. See if she'll still argue after that. Mason holds out a few bills and Ryder tries not to think about how much money that is. Hayden gives him a skeptical look, but takes the offered cash and steps aside to let them in. Ryder thinks about pushing her over on his way by, but decides against it. Not wanting to get kicked out already.

The trio makes their way through the crowded dance floor, pushing past all the swaying bodies. "So is this club mixed?" Ryder hears Liam ask, and turns towards where he's looking, his jaw dropping open. "Ish" Mason chuckles lightly as Brett switches to dancing  with a guy. "I Knew it!" Ryder cries, gesturing to Brett. "I knew he was at least bi. I could probably tap that." Ryder thinks out loud, causing Liam to look at him in disgust. "Him? Really?" He asks, and Ryder nods, licking his lips. "Mason will agree. Right Mase?" Mason nods eagerly, and Ryder gives Liam a look that screams 'hah'. 

Ryder and Liam eventually do start looking around for people for Mason, and eventually, he finds one. Leaving Liam and Ryder alone to find something to do. "Would it be wrong if I went and bent Talbot over the bar, and did him?" Ryder whispers in Liam's ear, who gives him a grossed out expression. "Yes." Is the conclusion Liam comes to, disappointing Ryder plenty. "Fine, I won't do it then. Although, if I find out later that he would've let me, and you stopped me...I'll beat you." Liam shrugs, apparently not all that worried about it. 

Ryder, keeps looking around for hot guys, and a few do look his way. Yet Liam scares them all off. Claiming he's not letting Ryder ditch him in a gay club, when he's straight. Ryder laughs at him. "Fine. If I stay, you have to dance with me. Because there's no way that I'm gonna stay here if your gonna be all boring." Liam sighs, but doesn't say anything, looking unsure. Ryder too sighs, and grabs Liam's hand. "Come on." He prompts, tugging Liam towards the dance floor. "Come." 

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