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My happy little pill
Take me away
Dry my eyes
Bring colour to my skies


I wake up on a comfy surface. My eyes are still shut but a smile rest on my lips. I feel the sunlight pouring in through the window and hitting my bare skin, Harry must have opened the curtains already. 

My eyes gently open and I stretch my arms and legs. The big four, poster bed and the fuzzy blankets made me want to stay in bed the entire day but I knew I had my duties and I needed to get them done. Sitting up, I look over and see a little tray with my morning coffee on it. Beside it is a letter with Harry's beautiful cursive handwriting scribbled onto it.

 'Morning angel, I'm taking Leo into school. I know you're tired after last nights activities so  I want you to rest. :) All my love, H'

I giggle and immediately fall back, my head hitting the soft feathered pillow. I stare out of the  double doors leading to our balcony and watch the outdoors, aweing at the beautiful surroundings of our little, cottage house. 

I decide on sitting outside on the chairs to drink my coffee. So I put on my silk, red night gown that Harry got me one time for Christmas. He told me a few days before that he kept losing some of his sweaters in the wash but secretly I had been wearing them and keeping them in my side of the wardrobe. When he found all his sweaters, he insisted on getting me a night gown. 

I tie the ribbon around my waist and take my warm coffee outside. The air is so refreshing and I sit down and soak in the sunlight. I look and see some of Leo's toys out here and I huff, knowing that I'll have to clear them up later. 

I take a sip of my coffee and decide on going to get one of my  books. Since learning how to read, it's all I've  ever done. Harry still loves it when I read to him and it's now become part of our routine for me to read to him for at least an hour before we both go to bed. Like father like son. 

I flip through the pages to find the place I got to last. I'm reading Little Women which was recommended to me by Harry's sister, Gemma. We've  grown a lot closer since I was admitted out of hospital and she's become one of my best and closest friends.

Minutes after finding the page I was on, I hear a crash downstairs. I don't question anything and assume Harry's already home from bringing Leo home but it stays quiet. I put my book on the table and put  down my coffee before sighing and heading downstairs.

"Harry?" I ask and don't get any reply. I turn into the kitchen  and see a figure at the kitchen sink. I notice his black jeans and white shirt and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Harry, are you okay? Was Leo okay when you dropped him off at school?" I walked over to him and furrow my eyebrows at his strange attitude.

He turns around and I gasp, that's not Harry. "Leo was fine, Marcie." He grins evilly.

"Austin?" I  whisper and he chuckles  before his hand wraps around the whole of my neck.


"Harry!" I gasp and sit up straight, Harry's arm falls from my waist and he immediately sits up, A dazed look on his face. 

"Marcie?" He says, sleepily. 

"Oh Harry!" I wrap my arms around his neck and he slowly wraps his arms around me. 

"What's wrong baby?"  He mumbles. 

"Harry, I had a nightmare. It was terrible. We were in a house, it was a cute, little cottage house in the middle of nowhere a-and and-" 

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