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Flame you came to me
Fire meet gasoline
Fire meet gasoline
I'm burning alive
I can barely breathe
When you're here loving me


I feel like I'm floating.

My eyes keep opening and closing and all I see is a bright light.

I've never felt like this before.

"Styles! The ambulance is here!" I hear a man's voice call.

"She's gone." Harry sniffles and I try to reach up for him but my arms won't move. I want to tell him I'm okay and that he doesn't have to be upset anymore but my mouth won't move.

"S-styles, I'm so sorry." The same voice says again. What are they talking about? I'm here. I haven't gone anywhere.

Suddenly, I feel myself being lifted and put onto a comfy surface. I want to stay with Harry, I attempt to say but nothing comes out. I want to be with him, he keeps me safe. I want to scream and shout for Harry but my mouth is glued shut.

I feel someone grab my hand and warmth covers my entire body. It's Harry. I know it is. I feel myself being carried and then I feel the cool breeze of the outside hit my skin. Next thing I know I'm being carried inside of something and I hear the voices and murmurs of other people. I fee someone grab the wrist that Harry isn't holding. "There may still be a chance Mr Styles, I can feel her pulse." She says.

I hear the slam of a door and I know it's just Harry and one other person. I feel Harry lean closer and his breath tickles my neck. "If you're still there baby, come home to me." He whispers.



Marcie was brought into the emergency room and they've been operating on her for three hours now. I'm sat in the waiting room with Louis and her parents as we wait patiently for her to come out and the doctors to tell us she's okay.

Hank had called an ambulance whilst I held Marcie in my arms. The ambulance arrived ten minutes later and got Marcie to the hospital as quick as possible. She was barely breathing and my heart was in my throat as I tried not to grab hold of the wheel of the ambulance myself and drive past all the idiots on the road.

Marcie's parents were informed as soon as we were able to get service and Louis rushed them to the hospital. I have to remember to thank Louis for all his help, it weren't for him Marcie could have been dead by now.

I held onto Marcie for as long as possible until she was taken away from me by the doctors and sent straight to the operating theatre. I asked some of the nurses if there was a chance she'd make it and they told me they couldn't say. I was glad they weren't the type to give me false hope.

I feel my eyes getting heavy and realise I haven't had a wink of sleep in the past forty eight hours. My hands still have some of Marcie's blood on them even though I spent ages trying to wash it all off. I may have looked like I was part of a murder scene to the random strangers walking past. I didn't want to clean my shirt though. If Marcie were to leave me it may be the only thing I had left of her.

Louis gave me one of his shirts from the back of his car to wear. I sat in the seat with my head in my hands and all I could hear were Mary's sobs and Jonathan comforting her. I felt someone sit next to me and I look up and see Louis.

"I never thought this would happen Haz." He mumbles.

"I don't think any of us did." I sit back in the chair and look up at the ceiling and then my head rolls over to look at Louis who has a sad expression on his face.

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