Chapter Forty-Eight

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Chapter Forty-Eight

As the afternoon turned into night, Louis was leaning up against the wall behind his bed, with Isaac lying beside him, resting his head on Louis' chest. His arms were hanging loosely over Isaac's back, while Isaac's arms lay over Louis' stomach. It wasn't long after they had become an official couple that they had arranged themselves in that position, enjoying it, unmoving. A peaceful silence engulfed the room, and Louis couldn't think of a place he would rather be, but he knew that it would have to end at some point.

"Your heartbeat is calming," Isaac said, and Louis felt a gentle vibration ripple through his chest.

"I don't know how to respond to that," Louis stated, chuckling.

"That just felt really weird." Isaac laughed and shifted his position, bringing his head up to rest on Louis' shoulder; Louis rested his head on top of Isaac's, his arms still wrapped around him.

"I don't want you to go home." Louis sighed as he looked over at the small clock on his bookshelf.

"I don't want to go home, but school is a thing," Isaac mumbled, and Louis felt him let out a sigh. "I can come back around tomorrow if you want."

"I mean, I don't mind," Louis said hastily, and he heard Isaac chuckle. "Sarah's gonna hit me again, though." Now it was Louis' turn to chuckle again.

"I'll deal with her for you," Isaac stated, pushing himself up from Louis' shoulder. "She won't even know what hit her."

"It's not going to be a chair, is it?" Louis asked with a smile, and Isaac let out a laugh.

"I was thinking a baseball bat."

"Metal or wooden?"

"Metal, of course." Isaac laughed again before he went quiet and looked into Louis eyes, who started right back. "Nah, I could never. Maybe a light shove or a poke."

"That sounds much more civil," Louis muttered, his eyes flickering down to Isaac's lips.

"Can I kiss you?" Isaac asked suddenly, and Louis couldn't find any words to say, so he just nodded.

His eyes fluttered shut as Isaac leant in, pressing their lips together. Just like the first time they kissed, a shock wave jolted through Louis as soon as their lips connected, and everything dissolved around them. There was just him and Isaac. There was no bedroom, no building; nothing. It was as if they were in another place, in another time; somewhere where time stood still. It was perfect. Louis thought they fit perfectly together, but just as quickly as the feeling had washed over him, it vanished; Isaac pulled away from Louis with a smile on his face.

"Even better than the first," he whispered as Louis opened his eyes.

"That's because I haven't been crying, so it wasn't as sloppy," Louis grinned, as did Isaac, shaking his head.

"You ruined it. It was a good kiss, though. As was the first."

"Well, I must have a natural talent." Louis smirked, and Isaac gave him a questioning look before realisation dawned on him.

"I was your first kiss?" he asked, looking shocked as Louis nodded. "Well, you're not wrong about the natural talent."

"What can I say? You inspire me." Louis winked, and Isaac rolled his eyes.

"That was super cheesy."

"You're just jealous you didn't think of it." Louis laughed and pushed Isaac all the way off of him, sitting up.

"That must be it." Isaac joined Louis in laughter before they fell back into silence.

It was nice, but Louis, once again, knew that it had to end. It was getting late, and Isaac would have to go home soon, and while they could still talk through the wall, it just wouldn't be the same.

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