Chapter Thirty

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Chapter Thirty

"I don't mean to intrude, but I'm supposed to be picking up a handsome young man for a date." A silky voice greeted Louis' ears as he was sitting down on the sidewalk, looking at the road in front of him.

He hadn't heard anyone approach him, or even a car drive by, but there was someone standing beside him. Louis, of course, knew who it was and turned his head up to see Shawn standing before him.

Louis hadn't been waiting for the other boy for very long, but he didn't really fancy standing up, just in case Shawn had been late. However, now that he was assessing the situation while watching Shawn look down on him, he couldn't help but feel it was the wrong move.

"He seems to be under you," Louis replied, getting up. But quickly added, "That sounded wrong; I'm sorry."

"That's fine." Shawn laughed. "Breaks the tension a bit."

"Yeah, let's go with that." Louis nodded, following Shawn to his car, a late model black sedan.

"So, you live around here?" Shawn asked as they got in the car.

Louis tried not to look too much at Shawn, though he wasn't really sure why. Louis couldn't deny that Shawn was attractive. His black hair and light green eyes really complimented each other well, and as he smiled, Louis could see slight dimples appear on his cheeks.

"Close by," Louis responded, looking out the window as Shawn pulled out onto the road.

"That's cool. I live almost right in the city," Shawn said, trying to keep the conversation going. "It's alright in there, but it gets a bit crowded. Can't complain too much, though; if I want to do something, chances are it's right around the corner."

"Yeah, you can't really do that here," Louis responded. "It's either the park or a friend's house. If you want to do anything more, it's a forty-minute trip."

"Yeah, that must suck. Well, I know it sucks." Shawn laughed, and Louis turned to look at him. "My grandparents live up here, and every time I visit them, I get bored out of my mind. Don't get me wrong; I love them. But there's nothing to do here. Though the café is pretty nice."

Shawn took his eyes off the road for a second and shot Louis a wink.

Louis smiled and nodded in response and thought about how far Shawn had driven just to take him on a date. Suddenly, he felt guilty. Not only for not being able to travel closer to the city, so Shawn didn't have to come as far, but also because it seemed like Shawn really wanted to go on this date, and yet Louis still had a part of his mind trained on Isaac.

The remainder of the car trip was silent, and it wasn't long before Shawn pulled into a carpark outside an expensive-looking restaurant. Louis had never seen the place before, which was odd, considering it wasn't that far away from where he lived. Just from what he could see, it seemed to be a very romantic place, which caused Louis' heart to start beating faster.

"Alright, shall we?" Shawn asked, turning to face Louis, who mimicked his movements.

"Are you not going to open my door for me?" Louis responded sarcastically before he could stop himself, causing a slightly worried look to come across his face.

Shawn, however, laughed.

"Oh, how rude of me." He said and rushed to open his own door and jump out of the car, jogging around to Louis' door and opening it. "For you, sir." Shawn gestured out of the car and bowed, causing Louis grin.

"Why, thank you."

Louis slipped from the car and waited for Shawn to close the door before they made their way into the restaurant.

As soon as they entered, Louis' suspicions of it being romantic were solidified. It was illuminated in very low light, lanterns hanging from the ceiling, spilling an orange hue around the building. Thick curtains seemed to be draped everywhere, and it was as if every table was shrouded in privacy. Louis' heartbeat continued to speed up as he followed Shawn to the front desk, where a young man, wearing a fitted navy suit, stood.

"Good evening, gentlemen," he greeted Louis and Shawn with a smile. Louis replied with a courtesy nod while Shawn spoke.

"Hi, table for two, booked as Riggs, please." His voice seemed lower than it had been before, as if he was becoming nervous.

Louis looked at him with an encouraging smile and received one in return. As Shawn turned back to look at the young man behind the desk, Louis kept his eyes trained on him. He was a bit shorter than Louis, maybe even Sam. He didn't mind, though. He knew he was going to be taller than most people he came in contact with, so dating someone shorter than him was something he was going to have to deal with.

Not that I'm dating Shawn. The thought bolted across Louis' mind, and he turned to look away from Shawn.

"Alright, if you two would follow me, please."

The young man said suddenly, looking up to the two boys with a smile before stepping out from behind the desk, and walking through a half-draped curtain. Louis and Shawn followed the young man through the restaurant, and Louis noticed that each table was, indeed, full of privacy; it seemed you would actually have to push through a light drape to get to the table.

After a short walk, the young man opened up a clean white curtain that hung around a table and gestured Shawn and Louis to walk inside. Following his instructions, Louis and Shawn took their seats at the table.

"Someone will be with you shortly."

The young man gave one last smile before moving away, allowing the curtain to fall and enclose the two boys. Louis looked around the small cocoon-like environment he found himself in. This seemed all very fancy and expensive for Louis, and he started to worry that he wouldn't be able to afford it.

"You seem stressed," Shawn stated, looking at Louis with concern. Louis' eyes scanned the surroundings they were in once more before meeting with Shawn's.

"I, uh, haven't actually been on a date before," Louis said, not really sure if it was something he should have brought up or not.

"Really?" Shawn asked, surprise written all over his face.

"Really, really," Louis replied, regretting the words as they left his mouth.

"A guy like you?" Shawn's face now holding even more surprise than before. "I don't know if I can believe that."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well... not to be abrupt," Shawn said quietly, "but you're really attractive, and you seem genuine."

Louis sat taken aback, looking at Shawn. Sure, he'd heard that from Sarah, Kara, and Sam, but this was different, and Louis was lost for words.

"Uh, thanks?" Louis managed to get out.

"Sorry, that was a little forward," Shawn mumbled, going red in the face.

"No, no, it's fine." Louis forced a small laugh. "I'm just not used to it."

"You should be." Shawn laughed, regaining some of his earlier confidence. "I thought you would have heard it every day at school or work."

"I don't think I'm as cool or as popular as you think I am.' Louis laughed, though this time it wasn't forced.

"Well, I'm going to keep the cool and popular image of you that I have in my head." Shawn smiled, seemingly knowing to drop the subject.

"How very kind of you." Louis smiled back.

The night continued with Shawn and Louis exchanging conversation while they ate. They talked about countless things, including school and their friends, along with Shawn's exes and how both of them had come out to their families.


A/N: The date has finally begun! Although it isn't with Isaac, I still hope you enjoyed the start of these two boys getting to know each other!

Question Time:

Should Louis have accepted to go on this date if he's starting to get feelings for Isaac?

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