Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter Twenty-One

"Are you doing that thing again, where you silently judge people?" Sam asked suddenly, watching Louis.

"I'm not judging them, Samuel. I'm just observing," Louis retorted, keeping his eyes averted from Sam.

"Yeah, sure you are."

"Shut up."

Louis laughed while he looked at an attractive girl, maybe in her early twenties, talking to a boy around Louis' age. Both of them had jet black hair and green eyes.

"He's kind of cute," Sam suddenly said, causing Louis to turn and stare at him.

As Louis' eyes linger on him, he noticed the clothes he was wearing. They very closely resembled what Louis could have sworn was an all boy's private school uniform, which made his mind land on Isaac.

"I was about to say the same thing about the girl."

"Eh, green eyes aren't my thing." Sam shrugged his shoulders.

"Sam, if I were you, I'd take what I could get." Louis laughed.

"Says the one who doesn't get any," Sam shot back.

"That you know of." Louis winked at Sam before turning back to the cute pair he assumed were brother and sister. "You're not wrong though; he is kind of cute."

"You should get his number." Sam reached across the table and gently pushed Louis' shoulder.

"Yeah, good joke." Louis faked a laugh before taking a sip from his cup.

"I'm serious! You need to find someone nice. Settle down, you know?"

"I'm not even eighteen yet, Samuel. I don't need to 'settle down'."

"You'll be eighteen in, like, less than two months," Sam reminded Louis.

"Really? I didn't even know," Louis sarcastically responded.

"So... you gotta find love. Get married." Sam laughed.

"You need to calm down." Louis shook his head. "And he's not even gay."

"How do you know?"

Sam peered around Louis and looked at the black-haired boy, trying to figure out if Louis was right. But Louis could tell he had no idea.

"I just know, Sam. Us gays have powers," Louis joked.

"You're full of crap."

"You know it!"

Louis smiled as he continued to drink his coffee. He was glad things had gone back to normal between him and Sam. Sam was no longer carrying around that worried look constantly, and he was able to joke around with Louis. He was glad to be feeling more like himself again.

"So," Sam started. "How did you celebrate?" he asked, and Louis knew exactly what he was talking about.

"I already told you how," Louis responded.

"You didn't seriously just keep reading, did you?" Sam asked in disbelief.

"Well... no," Louis mumbled. "I bought the book."

"That's how you celebrated? You bought a book?"

"Hey! It was a really good book!" Louis defended himself, slightly regretting that he had already finished the book he had bought.

"God, how are you such a nerd?"

"No need to call me a God, Samuel." Louis laughed. "I know I look like one, but it's inappropriate among mortals."

"Excuse me?" A rather small voice interrupted their conversation, causing them to look up.

The black-haired girl Louis had been looking at before stood at their table, her eyes darting from Louis to Sam.

"Hi," Louis said awkwardly as Sam just gave a small wave.

"Uhm, I saw you while you were working and, well, I just wanted to know if you'd like to join me for coffee?" The girl asked, looking directly at Louis, whose face had flushed red.

"This... this is single-handedly, the best thing to ever happen," Sam muttered, trying to hold back a laugh, earning him a glare from Louis.

"Uh, I'm, uh, flattered?" Louis managed to get out, not sure what to say. "But, I, uh, I don't play the same sport as you."

At those words, Sam couldn't hold his laughter in anymore, and it erupted out of him, and he clasped his mouth with his hands. Louis tried to ignore all of the looks people gave their table while mouthing 'Sorry about him' to the girl standing before him.

"Oh, good," she said, and to Louis surprise, she smiled and suddenly seemed to become more confident. "I was actually asking for my brother."

She turned around and pointed to the black-haired boy Louis and Sam had been talking about earlier, and Louis silently cursed at himself as Sam let out another howl of laughter.

"Here," Sam said when he finally stopped himself from laughing and pulled out a piece of paper from his school bag. "This is his number. His name is Louis. Tell your brother to text him."

Sam wrote down Louis' number on the piece of paper and gave it to the girl before Louis could say anything about it.

"Thanks." She gave a wink to Sam before turning back to Louis. "It is alright if I give this to him?"

Louis looked over at Sam, glaring at him, and then looked over at the black-haired boy, who was trying his hardest not to look over at Louis.

"Yeah," Louis finally said, looking back at the sister of the boy.

"Great! I'll get him to text you," she practically squealed. "His name is Shawn, by the way."

She gave one last smile before rushing back to her brother, grabbing him and rushing out of the café.

"What the hell just happened?" a dumbfounded Louis asked, turning to face Sam.

"The greatest thing in human history," Sam responded, a huge smile plastered on his face. "Your gay superpowers suck, by the way." Sam snorted as Louis glared at him again.

"I hate you."

"When's the wedding?"

"Piss off."


A/N: Short and sweet chapter for you all!

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