Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

The day, surprisingly, went by rather quickly for Louis. His classes weren't all that bad, apart from the mountain of homework, but that didn't bother him too much. Apart from that, his school day consisted of what it usually did; snide remarks made about him, the occasional accidental shove, and just general insults about who he was as a person. So, nothing new in that department.

A slight let down was when he went to lunch, only to realise Sam had gotten himself detention, leaving Louis to eat alone. It wasn't like he wasn't used to eating alone, but he had gotten accustomed to eating with Sam, so it felt empty without him.

Oh, God. I'm so Goddamn soft, Louis found himself thinking a few times throughout the day. Once during the lunch without Sam, and a few other times when he saw Sarah in the halls, and even in a few of his classes, and just blatantly ignored her. Seeing her face drop made Louis' heart falter, but he kept telling himself it was the best thing for her. He was used to the bullying and the stares he always got. He could handle it. Hell, it had been happening to him since he started school. He couldn't understand that and didn't even try to, but he could take it. He was so used to it by now that most of it didn't faze him at all.

Then there was Sam. He was probably the most respected kid in the school, and no one would dare do or say anything to him, even if he was hanging out with the designated loser. And Kara... Well, Kara had a way of dealing with it when she was around. It wasn't pretty. While Louis could easily resolve things with his fists, he chose to use his words and wits. Kara, however, always opted to go down the old fashion route. Instead of using her words to resolve things, she would knock them on their ass.

Sarah, however, Louis didn't know. He didn't want to judge someone based on how they looked or who they were, but he didn't want to risk her getting hurt, which was ironic since he was the only one currently hurting her.

At the end of the day, Louis did the usual routine: waiting for everyone to leave while he sat in an empty classroom. Though today, Sam was with him.

"So, I get to meet Sarah, hey?" Sam asked as they sat on the teacher's desk in the deserted classroom.

"If she hasn't left already, then yeah," Louis responded, twirling a pen between his fingers.

"You know, if you just opened up to the possibility of letting people in, you'd find that you'd have a lot more friends."

"I do open up. I have no idea what you're talking about," Louis said, looking offended, ceasing the spinning of the pen.

"Louis, I've been your friend for a while now, and I don't even think I know your middle name," Sam started, "or your favourite movie. Or, literally, anything personal about you."

"But you know I'm hilarious, and that's all the matters." The offended look dissipated from Louis' face. "And, come on, you know tons of stuff about me."

"Ugh, you can be so annoying sometimes." Sam looked away from Louis and sighed. "Yeah, I know some stuff, but I just wish you'd trust me a little more."

"I do trust you, Sam."

"Then let me in, Louis. Let someone in. You're an awesome person to hang out with when you actually try. I keep telling people that, but then you go and..." Sam trailed off.

"Be myself?" Louis tried to help.

"No," Sam replied bluntly. "This isn't you. It may be part of you, but I've seen snippets of the real you, and he's not a complete sarcastic asshole."

"You're right," Louis responded after a short pause. "here's a bit of waxing done."

He was never any good in these situations. Being serious around other people just wasn't his thing. It meant he had to be more vulnerable and open, and that was something that he was still working on.

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