Chapter Thirty-One

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Chapter Thirty-One

"I didn't actually come out to my family," Shawn said, finishing off the plate of food in front of him.

"How does that work?" Louis asked, sitting his cutlery on his plate.

"Well, I pretty much always knew I was gay, so when I got into my first relationship, I sort of just brought him home and introduced him as my boyfriend. There was no lead-up or anything. I pretty much just did what any straight person would do."

"How'd it go?" Louis pressed.

"Rather well, actually." Shawn laughed. "My family was shocked at first, as was the guy I brought home. He had just assumed I was already out. But after the initial shock, everyone seemed to brush it off and greeted him before carrying on with what they were doing."

"That's good." Louis grinned, trying to imagine that scene.

"Yeah, it's what I wanted and how I wanted to come out anyway." Shawn smiled at Louis. "How about you?"

"I was like seven," Louis started, looking down at the table. "I knew I was different and just told my mum and dad. We were all really close, so I felt comfortable telling them." Louis smiled to himself. "It was easy."

"That sounds like a good relationship."

"It was." Louis went quiet and kept his head down, trying not to blink.

He didn't want to spill any tears. Not now.

"I'm sorry." Shawn's voice was caring, and Louis felt his hand fall onto the top of his.

"This got depressing really quick." Louis chuckled lightly and looked up at Shawn.

Louis could feel that his eyes were wet but ignored it. He could never help but tear up at the mention of his parents. It overwhelmed him. He missed them.

"If you wanna talk about depressing stuff, I'm all ears." Shawn's voice was coated with sincerity.

"You don't look like all ears," Louis said, hating his stupid response, but he continued, "I can see a nose and some eyes. Even teeth, occasionally." Shawn let out a laugh before resting on a smile. "Ah, there they are," Louis stated, smiling back.

"You're so weird." Shawn continued to smile at Louis.

"You have no idea." Louis pulled his hand away from Shawn's and leant back in his chair. "Let's talk about something that is a little more light-hearted, shall we?"

"That sounds like a plan," Shawn responded, imitating Louis' movements.

"So, school," Louis said shortly. "How's that going?"

"Pretty good, pretty good," Shawn responded. "Loads of homework and assignments."

"Yeah, I know what that's like."

"But I can't complain too much. My grades are average, and I'm managing." Shawn shrugged and gave Louis a smile.

Louis returned it. "Well, that's what school's all about!"

"A new kid also started not long ago, which is always fun. He's pretty cool."

"Are you two besties?"

"Oh, yeah." Shawn chuckled. "Inseparable."

"I can tell. I've been meaning to ask why there was a human stapled to your back."

"Not stapled. Zip-tied."

"How silly of me."

"No, but we are friends," Shawn said after a smile and a gaze. "Though he has become quite popular."

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