Chapter Forty-Two

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Chapter Forty-Two

"The decision to live a dream or keep facing reality seems easy enough, but if you had that choice, what would you choose? The perfect paradise, or the trial of life? It seems easy enough. But dreams are often twisted and misconstrued; like a rumour; they could start out innocent but put it on repeat, and you'll start to notice the changes. Even if that weren't the case, and the dream world you decide to reside in was, in fact, perfect; would you truly be happy? If everything was just right, and you didn't have to work for anything or worry, could you safely say you wouldn't want more?"

Louis' voice echoed around his small room, as books, notepads, and wadded up balls of paper littered his bed and floor. Pencils and erasers lay carelessly about, and the usual cleanliness of the room seemed to be long forgotten, as Louis stood upright in front of his mirror, holding a quite crinkled piece of paper, with writing scribbled all over it. His eyes kept darting down to the paper in his hand before shooting back up to look at himself in the mirror. He looked tired; but when did he not?

The two weeks, as Louis had suspected, dragged on, and as every new day passed, it didn't seem like his date with Isaac was getting any closer. In fact, it seemed as though it was getting further and further away. That's not to say the days throughout the two weeks weren't eventful and, in fact, Louis was even glad the days were dragging on. The day after he had met Isaac for the first time and went on, what Louis and Isaac called, a 'pre-date', Louis had to face Sam and Sarah. Neither of them could wait for Monday, and Louis scolded Sarah for telling Sam.

They had decided to meet at the park near Sam's house, and Kara tagged along with Louis, not wanting to miss the chance to gossip with and about Louis. As soon as everyone had made it to the designated spot, awkwardness ensued, considering Sam may or may not have had a thing for Kara; them meeting for the first time was certainly something Louis wouldn't forget so easily.

"So, you're Kara?" Sam asked, shuffling clumsily on the spot as he watched Kara push her curly hair back, though it just came to sit in the same place.

"That would be me," she replied with a smile and a wink, and Louis could tell she was playing on what he had told her over one of their calls. "You must be Louis' gay friend, Sam?"

"Louis!" Sam ran over to Louis and almost knocked him down, as he was keeled over laughing at Kara's words. "I'm not gay!" Sam defended himself, turning red in the face, doing his best to hide it.

"That's not what you said to me in that past," Louis retorted, trying his best to recompose himself.

"You're such an ass," Sam mumbled under his breath before he turned back to Kara. "I'm Sam, and I'm not gay. It's a pleasure."

"Usually, he only says that last part to guys," Sarah chipped in, causing everyone but Sam to start laughing.

"I hate every one of you," Sam huffed, crossing his arms.

The rest of the day Louis spent fending off questions about Isaac and himself, mainly from Sarah, who was trying to find out Louis' intents with her brother. It had taken a few explanations of the situation before Sam caught on to what was happening, and he held the same shocked expression Louis had when he found out that Sarah was Louis' next-door neighbour.

As the day progressed, Louis noticed that Kara and Sam seemed to have gotten rather close, and he started mentally cursing. Although Sarah listened to his complaints, she often turned her nose up at Louis, due to the fact Isaac was her brother and Louis had some sort of intentions with him. Louis was sure it was a joke, but he made a mental note to ask Isaac about it.

A few days after they had hung out in the park, Kara was told by her father that they would be going back home on Wednesday, and Louis wasn't looking forward to saying goodbye again. When he wasn't at school, he was spending all of his time with Kara and her family, who were thrilled to have been able to see Louis again. After all, he was like a son to them.

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