Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

"I'll keep my fingers crossed, shall I?" Isaac joked with a chuckle.

"If you wouldn't mind, thanks."

"If I fail my final year at school because I can't write anything, I'm blaming you."

"Don't blame me 'cause you're not intelligent enough to pass school," Louis said with a laugh.

One thing he was starting to like about Isaac was that he could go from being serious to trying to lighten the mood in an instant. It was like he knew that Louis didn't want to talk about something further and he made sure not to dwell on it.

"I blame who I want, when I want. And only when those I want are blamed can I be free from these chains," Isaac faked a serious tone.

"Geez, you could become a rapper."

"That's what I keep telling my mum. She doesn't think so, though."

Louis and Isaac laughed, the sound echoing through the wall before silence fell between them. It was a pleasant silence, and there was a certain calm about it. Louis felt peace he hadn't felt all day, maybe longer. Sure, there was a moment when he had been with Sam and Sarah when they made him feel at ease, but this was different. This was a different feeling. And it was something that he could get used to.

"I'm not going to wake your family up am I?" Louis asked, gently rubbing his jaw.

"I don't think so. Apparently, they heard me talking the other night, but didn't hear you," Isaac replied after a moment. "Have you heard them at all? They can get quite loud. Especially, my two younger sisters."

"I don't think I've heard them. Only you." Louis sighed; thankful Isaac's family hadn't been able to hear him.

"That's weird. Considering how quiet we're whispering and can still hear each other," Isaac ponder, and Louis hummed in agreement.

"Oh, I forgot to ask, how was your first day at your new school?" Louis asked after a few minutes of quiet between them.

"Ah, damn it. I was hoping you'd fallen asleep." Isaac sighed. "Not because I don't like talking to you, but because you need sleep."

"So caring, Isaac. But don't avoid my question," Louis teased.

"I'm more caring than a nurse at a retirement village," Isaac replied, chuckling. "As for my first day; it was full of adventure!" Louis could sense the sarcasm in Isaac's voice and felt himself liking this boy more and more.

"That fun, huh?"

"You have no idea."

"Try me."

"Okay, okay," Isaac started. "First of all, the school didn't have my schedule. I rocked up, and they pretty much didn't even know who I was. So, like, good start, right? When that was all fixed up, and I finally got to my homeroom, I was scolded for being late, and when I tried to explain why I was late, I got scolded again for back chatting the teacher."

"Sounds like a great morning to me," Louis said teasingly.

"I know, right? Anyway, after that, the first few classes were good. I made some friends and what not, but then English came, and let me tell you, my teacher is older than the school itself, and it is a pretty old school," Isaac laughed, causing Louis to cackle. "I'm pretty sure she used to own a pet dinosaur or something. Probably rode it to caveman camp."

"Does her age have anything to do with the story?" Louis interjected as he let out another laugh.

"Don't get antsy, fancy pants," Isaac replied. "I'm world-building; shut up."

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