Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

"Meet at the bus stop?" Sam questioned as they began heading towards his car. "Why not just catch the bus?"

"Don't question us or our methods," Louis said.

"God, I'm being replaced."

"I could never." Louis chuckled, as they reached Sam's car, an old red Jeep that probably shouldn't be allowed on the road.

"Let's get the hell outta here!" Sam yelled, jumping into his car.

"Yeah, let's get the fu—!" Louis started, but Sam cut him off with a bark-like laugh.

"Language!" Sam exclaimed with a fake stern tone.

"Sorry, babe," Louis laughed. "Let's go!"

Sam kicked over his car, and it roared to life. Louis thought it sounded like a dying cat and gave the dashboard a pat.

"You can do this, buddy."

"Oh, shut up!" Sam glared at Louis and put the car in drive, pulling out of the school car park before Louis turned the radio on.

It was calming, listening to the soothing music that played, though they only got to listen to it for a short while, as it wasn't long before Sam had stopped outside of Louis' apartment building; mainly due to his reckless driving.

"God, every time I see this building, I think it's gonna fall," Sam muttered, scanning the structure before him.

"Yeah, well, hopefully, it doesn't do that while I'm inside," Louis joked as he jumped out of the car and thanked Sam for the ride, as he always did, before heading inside the building.

As the glass door closed behind him, he turned back and waved at Sam, who was still sitting in his car outside. Every single time he dropped Louis off, he always waited to make sure Louis got inside safely. Like a mother would. Louis didn't mind. Having someone to care about him like that was something he needed. He was sure Kara would do the same thing. He knew for a fact Kara would do that; she'd probably walk him up the stairs too.

After walking to the top of the tall staircase, Louis stopped outside of his apartment door and stared at the door neighbouring his own. He was still unsure if someone from that apartment had spoken to him or not and wondered whether or not he should knock on the door and apologise for his alarm going off so much in the morning. It had been very loud.

It may not have been real. It was probably all in Louis mind. Though, he wasn't sure if he believed that.

Louis silently agreed with himself before unlocking his apartment door and walking inside. It was quiet as he stepped over the threshold. The only sound was the creaking of the floorboards underneath his feet.

Clenching his jaw at the crappiness of the apartment he lived in, he scanned the room. It was still clean. Obviously, his aunt hadn't been home since she left this morning. Sighing in relief, Louis carefully closed the door behind him and headed for the small kitchen on the other side of the living room. Louis didn't know where the living room ended, and the kitchen began; the only thing separating the two was a tiny bench at which Louis usually ate his meals. With every step towards the kitchen, the floor beneath him creaked, causing Louis to drum his fingers on his leg in annoyance.

Usually, he wouldn't bother eating anything as soon as he came home and wait until dinner. But he hadn't eaten at school, and he didn't eat the night before, so he thought he would slip in a meal now; mainly because it felt as though his stomach was caving in on itself. Knowing his aunt, she would probably get takeaway for dinner with money from God knows where.

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