Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Chapter Thirty-Nine

At first, Louis felt incredibly weird and awkward doing it, but even after the sauce was gone, his thumb lingered on Isaac's face, and Isaac turned to look at him. They stayed like that for a moment: Louis' hand on Isaac's cheek, looking into each other's eyes. Louis noted how soft Isaac's skin was, and the tingling sensation he got in his fingers as he touched it. It felt as though there was a slight electrical current flowing through them.

"While I agree that this is nice and would like to continue, I still want some more pizza," Isaac broke the silence, and Louis quickly withdrew his hand, his face flushing red.

"I think I got it," he said, and saw that Isaac's face was also a little blushed.

"Well, with any luck, I'll get more there again." Isaac winked at Louis again before cursing. "Why do I keep doing that?!"

"You're trying to be suave," Louis said, and Isaac gave him a questioning look.


"Yes, suave," Louis repeated. "You know, charming. Confident."

"Oh, God. I'm neither of those things." Isaac let out a laugh, shaking his head.

"I don't know... from what Shawn said, you seem pretty confident." Louis watched Isaac purposely put pizza sauce on his cheek again.

"He told you about the lunchtime thing on my first day, didn't he?"

"Yes, he did." Louis chuckled.

"I thought it was good to clear that up from the get-go, you know." Isaac turned his cheek towards Louis again, showing the pizza sauce he had put there.

"Oh, sorry," Louis apologised as he picked up two slices of pizza. One in each hand. "My hands seem to be busy."

"That's fine, just use your tongue." Isaac let out a howl of laughter and Louis joined in.

Luckily, there were no other customers in the pizza shop and only one worker, who peered over the counter with an odd look.

The two boys didn't care. They were enjoying each other's company, finally comfortable together. More so than when they were speaking through the wall. Louis couldn't lie; he liked Isaac more and more with each passing moment, especially the Isaac who was sitting in front of him. He was no longer reserved like he was when they spoke through the wall, but it seemed like he was finally himself, as was Louis. He couldn't remember why he was so scared to be himself in the first place.

"Come here, you child." Louis put the slices of pizza down and wiped the sauce off Isaac's face once again. And though he didn't linger this time, he still felt the same tingling as before.

"I can't believe it's you." Isaac shook his head, smiling to himself as Louis picked up the pieces of pizza.

"What's me?" Louis asked, confusion gracing his face.

"I've had a crush on a guy in the café you work at for the past few weeks. Ever since I moved here, and it was you. All along." Louis felt his face heat up at Isaac's words and looked down at the table, smiling. "You need to wear name badges there, for God's sake. Would've helped,"

"Well, we wouldn't want to make it too easy, would we?" Louis snickered, meeting Isaac's gaze. "We are meant to, but I lost mine ages ago, and they never replaced it."

"You probably lost it on purpose. You are an asshole, after all," Isaac snorted.

"That is true," Louis agreed. "My greatest quality."

"I don't know," Isaac challenged. "Your humour is pretty great. So is your face. And you seem very smart." Louis blushed at the list, noticing a certain glow about Isaac as he spoke. "And your eyes, too."

"Okay, I think that's enough," Louis said awkwardly, focusing on the almost finished pizza between the two.

"I'm just sayin'." Isaac smiled, following Louis' gaze.

"I was going to make a Dragon Ball joke," Louis mumbled.

"Well, it's too late now. Geez, and I just said you were smart!"

"Yeah, well, at least I don't have pizza sauce on my face for the third time." Louis shook his head at the boy sitting across from him.

How was it possible to feel like this for someone you barely know? They had only known each other for a few weeks, but even when they first began to speak to each other, through a wall at that, Louis felt something, and it had grown with every passing day. Now that Isaac was sitting in front of him, it felt surreal. The feelings he had inside were bubbling and ready to burst, and he felt like he didn't ever want to leave the pizza shop. He could stay, sitting in the booth with Isaac forever. Frozen in time.

"At this point, I'm pretty sure you know I'm doing it on purpose," Isaac retorted with a smug look.

"Well, next time I'll make sure to bring a high chair and a dummy for you." Louis snicked, and Isaac shook his head.

"Guess who's not getting a 'goodnight' through the wall tonight?" Isaac turned his cheek to Louis in a defiant way, though it had pizza sauce on it, and Louis couldn't stop himself from laughing.

"You do realise that's the cheek with sauce on it, right?"

"Oh, crap." Isaac hastily wiped the sauce off his face and replicated his cheek turn, causing Louis to laugh again.

"Oh, no. I'm devastated," Louis said sarcastically before adding, "now I know Sarah is your sister, I'll just text her and tell her to annoy you until I get my goodnight."

"You wouldn't dare." Isaac turned to face Louis again, acting shocked. "And she's actually home tonight, too!"

"I would, and you know it!" Louis exclaimed, fighting the urge to ask Isaac about Sarah's situation.

"I guess I have no choice..." he trailed off for a second before adding, "but just know it will be a disgruntled goodnight."

"I'm okay with that." Louis chuckled. "As long as I get one. And a bedtime story."

"Now who's the baby?" Isaac smirked. "Do you want me to tuck you in as well? Check for monsters?"

"No, 'cause that would require you to look in the mirror, and I don't want you to have to see that."

"Oh, that one stung." Isaac grimaced.

"How can I make it up to you?" Louis joined Isaac in chuckling before Isaac spoke.

"Wipe the sauce off my face."

"You don't have any sauce on—" Louis cut himself off as he watched Isaac.

With a smile on his face, he wiped sauce off the last piece of pizza with his index finger, then wiped it down his cheek before tilting it towards Louis.

"You were saying?" Isaac said smugly as Louis shook his head, a smile plastered on his face.

"Wow, you're such a grown-up."


The two boys smiled again before Louis cleaned Isaac's face, and much like the first time, his hand lingered as he felt the electricity ripple through his fingers at the touch. Isaac turned to stare at Louis, who kept his hand on Isaac's cheek, and never in his life, had Louis wanted to kiss someone so much before.


A/N: I ship it.

I love them both... I'm just... Saiyan. (That was the joke that Louis was going to say, lmao)

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Question Time:

How mature is Isaac on a scale of 3 to 28?

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