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"Excuse me, sir.. please get out from this room! we're gonna perform a surgery." a nurse asked the silver haired man to get out from the room. Meanwhile, the silver haired man was just frozen in his place. He's staring at the limp figure that was covered in blood. The face was unrecognizable due to the damage from the accident. The man then turned his heels without any words and left the room, leaving the nurse and doctor confused.

It's not her! Shit! Sesshoumaru regret his decision in coming to the hospital. Quickly he walked out the building. He came to the hospital since he smell the strongest smell of blood from that place, yet she couldn't find her. Then he dashed onto the building in front of the hospital so he could avoid the crowds.

He decided to went back to the mountain where he met her the first time. The cold wind of the night flew through his silver hair as he walked in the area. The lights from the city were still shining brightly. Sesshoumaru that was staring at the view was deep in his thoughts. Then he looked at the palm of his right hand. I can't find her.. not in this form..

He's aware that his human form's senses are much weaker than his demon form. But he's hesitate to change into it 'cause he would lose his sense of humanity by that. Finding her was priority, but keeping his sense was also important. He's worried that he might not recognize the girl when he found her if he decided to use his demon form.

"Excuse me.." a man's voice was heard from the shadow of the trees. Sesshoumaru turned and faced the source of the voice. The man was wearing a white fancy suit with gray vertical stripes and he looks like he's in his forties. Sesshoumaru didn't say any word when this man was approaching him. "Are you, by any chance, the great demon dog, Lord Sesshoumaru?" He asked.

"Who are you?" Sesshoumaru threw him another question instead of giving him an answer.

"That golden eyes that glowing in the darkness of night.. I suppose you are him after all.. My wife has been blabbing about a weird looking man around the area.." He smirked and mumbled in his breath. "Were you hanging out with my daughter?" He threw another question.

"Your daughter.. (y/n)?"


"I see.. so you're her father." Sesshoumaru's guessing was right. The man that stood before him was her father and he seemed reluctant in his grin. "WHERE IS (Y/N)??" Sesshoumaru dashed towards him, grabbed him on the neck and lifted him up. His goldern orbs turned smaller and his sclera turned red. His demon rage almost consumed his sense.

"Ki-yonobu-... Kiyonobu family- mansion.." the man chocked in his words but Sesshoumaru got that answer clearly.

"Kiyonobu? that parliamentary member?" Sesshoumaru knew that he shouldn't believe this man, but his answer reminded him when the girl asked him for help to avoid the arranged marriage that she needs to face.

"Y-yes.." the man tried to release himself with his own hands but Sesshoumaru's grip was just too strong.

"Then, why are you here? You got a problem with me?" Sesshoumaru let go of his grip and let the man fell on his knee.

"No.. More like, I'm honored to meet you, for I am your descendant."Coughing in his words, his answer made that golden orbs widened. Sesshoumaru didn't recall that he had married someone and got an offspring, but his series of visions went into his mind.

He remembered the unknown blind old woman in a gracious kimono and a girl that called him 'dad'. Could that be.. my family? Then this person IS my descendant? He knew that he shouldn't believe this person, especially since he's the one that took away his little helper. "Why did you think that way?" Sesshoumaru's being curious. Maybe this man could solve his puzzles.

"This family.. was formed by a great demon dog by the name of Sesshoumaru.." the man tried to get back on his feet.

"That didn't explain anything." Sesshoumaru's glare only became more intense on the man.

"I haven't finished. The old book said, when the butterfly and the dog met, the biggest cresent moon will release the seal that holds the great demon dog." the man explained.

"What book is that? Who the hell wrote something like that?" Sesshoumaru doubted the man even more, because he couldn't find and correlation of the statement with himself.

"The writer is.. Shirogane. She's the only child that the great demon dog has.. The book's pretty much explaining about the beginning of this family.. it explain about the reason why the great demon dog sealed himself and the curse that he gave to his descendants.."

Still not believing the man's words, Sesshoumaru gave another question. "Okay.. I did sealed myself in this mountain, but how are you gonna prove that I AM your ancestor?"

The man rolled his left sleeve until it's above his elbow. He showed Sesshoumaru that on his skin, There's a purple cresent moon shaped mark, just like the one that he had on his forehead. "Feeling familiar with this?" The man said as he saw the golden orbs widened once more. "I will repeat myself, it's an honor to be able to meet you."

Suddenly the man kneeled before Sesshoumaru and it made him stepped backwards. He only got a bad feelings with this, as if something bad was going to happen to him.

Now he know where to find his little helper, but the fact that they are actually connected somehow bothered him. "I will come back to you for more of this, but now, I'm going to take (y/n) back."

"Oh.. I suppose it's not going to be an easy task. " The man stepped forward. He crossed his arms in front of his chest.

Sesshoumaru just turned his body back to the man. "Why? you're aware that it won't change my mind, aren't you?"

"She's a treasure for the Kiyonobu family now. They won't let you take her that easy."

"If she's a treasure, then why did you sell her to them?" Sesshoumaru then dashed from the edge of the cliff. Leaving the man with his question, he hoped that this person might think of it wisely.

"I didn't sell her.. I gave her an opportunity to take over that family.." The man in suit continued to stare at the vanishing figure in the darkness of night.


Hello.. thank you for reading this again ><
I hope you like it.. qwq
I'm still doing another art piece for this story.. but then, i came out with another idea for another story.. TwT

I know.. I should finish this first ><
I'll try my best for this.. ><

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