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She screamed and struggled so much, but her capturer were already pinned her down. Nothing replied her scream but a soft moan from the man on her. Disgust filled heart her as he played with her body. "STOP!! S-stop!" She screamed the same phrase over and over again.

As time goes by, her energy drained. She couldn't scream and struggle like before. Feeling hopeless over her situation, tears fell down on her cheeks. "I beg.. you.. please stop.." her breath became unsteady and it took his attention.

"I've told you that I'm gonna punish you,right? Your tears won't change my mind." His orbs were staring at her weak state. He pitied her yet he couldn't take back his words, but he let her hands go.

"Noo.. no.. Please stop.." Then she tried to push him by the shoulders but she's just to weak to make him move. "let me.. go.." Her sobs were going uncontrollably. "wanna go.. home.."

Hyotaro just stayed there, staring at her. After that he leaned closer to her ears again. "I'm gonna finish what I've started.. I'm sorry.." he took a moment before apologized to her, but then he continued his business that later followed with her cry.

Finished with his clothes, Hyotaro walked to the door and opened it a little. He seemed to talked to someone else and he walked back in with keys and a blanket. The girl winched her eyes and pulled herself away from him. She thought he would force her to do that again, but in fact, he's just unlocking her chains.

She didn't opened her eyes a bit by that. Her hands were trembling and he noticed that. After he unchained her, he threw the blanket at her. "Wear that! We're going back to your room." He commanded but the girl didn't react to him. She's not even taking the blanket to cover herself. "Hey! Are you okay? You cannot walk?" Hyotaro kneeled before her again. He took the blanket and tried to put it on her, but quickly she slapped his hand away.

When she realized, quckly she snatched the blanket from him and covered herself. Hyotaro was just eyeing her before he added "Good. Now walk yourself back to your room." As Hyotaro stood up and walked to the door, he didn't see her moving. The girl's only hyperventilating and trembling uncontrollably. Am I being too much? He approached her once more. "Do you need a hand?"

The girl pulled up her blanket to cover up her face more when she met his eyes. "Rap.. ist.. rapist.. rapist.." she mumbled but he could hear her clearly. He let out a sigh.

"Come here. I'll help you walk back to your room." He offered another hand to her. This time, she replied with a glare with her burning (e/c) orbs.

"After.. you rape me? Are you crazy?" Gradually the girl gain her consciousness back.

"Look at yourself! You look pathetic being like that."

"OH YEAH? THEN WHO IN FRESH HELL THAT SAID WAS GOING TO BREAK ME??" Her voice trembled. Her tears fell and followed with her sobs. Unexpectedly, her statement made a huge impact on him. In a split seconds he pulled her arm and knocked her down by the neck. "No....." her vision started to fade little by little into a complete darkness.

The man then wrapped the blanket properly around her body and then picked her up like a bride. When he found the right position on holding her, he walked towards the wooden door again. "Mr. Takeshi, please open the door for me." The man shouted from the inside.

The white haired butler opened the door and wait for Hyotaro to walk out first. Then he closed the wooden door and locked it, making sure that no one will ever enter that room again.

Walking along the gray hallway, the girl was still sobbing in her sleep. He's staring at her once again. "You know.. I'm actually have a soft spot for you.. if you're not this rebellious..". Orange lights penetrated through the paneled windows along the hallway as if the sun kissed the sky. "I never want to do this to you.. Even when I heard of our marriage, it was surprisingly made me happy.." he continued.

"I can't hold myself not to protect you.. also not to hurt you.." When he arrived at her room, several maids were already waiting to open the door for him. As soon as he walked out from her door, the maids will come in to clean her body and put on her clothes. But now, they let them in and closed the door for their privacy. He laid her on her bed. He saw the fluffy fur that she used tag along with her, then he wrapped it around her, hoping it will make her feel more comfortable.

He played with her hair. Pulled some strands away from her face. Leaving her forehead exposed, he landed a soft kiss on her (s/c) skin. "You're the one that made me like this, darling.. This is your choice.." He continued on patting her hair. Enjoying the silence that they have, at least until he heard a loud bang from the front part of the mansion.

Quickly Hyotaro stood up, but when he's about to leave the girl, his steps stopped. Wait! What if the threat tried to come for her? I need to stay here. Then he shouted for the maids for the updates of the loud noise. "ANYONE! WHAT IS IT??"

One of the maid barged into the room in panic. "There's an attack from a stranger, my Lord!"

"FUCK! ARE THEY CRAZY?? Who are they and what do they want?? Tell me the damage that they made!"

"It's- not 'they', my Lord! There's only one person!" While the first maid was trying to explain the situation, another maid came interrupted. "Lord Hyotaro! There's a crazy man that destroyed the main entrance!! His power is enormous and otherworldly!"

"What???" His greenish yellow orbs widened. A single person destroyed my main entrance??! What the fuck is that person really is?? "Both of you!! Tell our men to kill him! I cannot leave her alone!" He commanded the maids to unleash their full defense. The maids dashed with their given task, meanwhile for his, now he must wait for the good or the bad news.

"Don't worry, darling! I will keep you safe!" He said to the unconscious girl with a sad smile in his face, knowing that he probably won't survive this battle.


Sorry not sorry
But along this chapter, I lowkey ship the reader with Hyotaro.. (qwq)
Thank you for reading hehee~
Hope you like it~

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