Epilogue (01)

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When I told her that we're gonna go to the feudal era today, she pulled my hand so she could start her preparation as soon as possible. She even told Kirisagi to print the photo that we took before while she's packing her stuff. It's funny when she's thinking about bringing her phone or not. But then I told her that there's no electricity and her face changed dramatically. Then she started to eliminate some stuff that requires electricity to operate. She also questioned me about what kind of clothes that she should bring. I told her that anything is fine 'cause everything looks good on her, but she blushed instantly and pushed me out of the room.

After a few minutes, she walked out from the room in a furisode that I bought for her. I asked her where are her belongings, she only said that she got everything that she needs here, while pointing at me and hiding those tint from her cheeks. Her answer never fail to surprise me. Although I've been repeating this reality thousand times, it's still bring smile on my face.

Based on the information that I got from Shirogane, we will be able to jump into the past from Higurashi Shrine, and that's where we're heading. Everything went well, we met the boy that were in charge of the Shrine that turned out to be Kagome's brother. He's pretty helpful when I told him that we want to go back to the past. When we're about to go to the well, (y/n) let go of my hand, telling me that she forgot to get something from Kirisagi. She ran back with a paper in her hands not long after that. "What is that?" I asked. She flipped the paper to my direction. "Our photo! Hehee" she only showed it for a second, before putting it in her furisode and told the boy to continue the ritual.

Shirogane also said that the portal to the past will open as long as I have a thing that exist in both lifetime, which is my Tenseiga. The well reacted to it when I put it right on it. The view of a bright sky appeared from the well. I turned my gaze from the well, to the girl next to me. "Are you sure about this?"

She nodded. Determination was already in her eyes.

"You won't be able to taste that green tea parfait anymore~." I teased her a little bit. Doubt slightly filled her mind but her answer remained the same.

I reached for her hand, pulled it up, closer to my lips. With our fingers that once again intertwined, I pecked a kiss on the back of her hand. "When we arrived, I'm gonna marry you." That's my promise for the thousand times I've said it to her before we jumped into the well.

The trip was short. In a split seconds, we're already reached the other side. "What the FUCK THAT WAS PRETTY! Like.. a starry sky!! All that glowing orbs and stuff!" She's amazed by the dimension between time. She'll keep telling me that it's pretty. She'll also tell me that she fell for me the first place because I was beautiful in her eyes. Yeah.. She loves beautiful things, but she never realize how astonishing herself is.

During her stay in the feudal era, I make sure that she got the best life. Living in a traditional house, showering her with beautiful fabrics and kimono, I always wants to make her smile. Even when she ask me to protect the villagers that live around us, I fulfilled it. Her heart always goes for the people in need, just like before, she remained the same in this looping reality.

A year later, There was this time when I went to the village where my brother lived. I still got the same happiness when I able to introduced her to Inuyasha and his friends, although I need to keep my face straight. She also met Rin and instantly become her best friend. Rin was already in her twenties, and she got a good man as her husband. I'm always glad for that fact.

Rin and Kagome then teach her how to live in this era. They also taught her how to take care of children too.. for some reasons that remain unknown for me up until now. This activity goes for several years, until I'm ready to marry her. Unexpectedly, Inuyasha and his friends were excited and they helped me with everything. The girls taken care of (y/n), meanwhile the boys were lecturing me about how to be a husband and father. I've heard this for years now so it's not that surprising anymore.

We're having our ceremony in spring, after the sakura flower blooms. Along with the petals that showering the ceremony, they added the beauty in her. She's a literal perfection. No mortal nor immortal being that could surpass her beauty, including my own mother. Today is the day where in my heart, I swear to myself that she's the reason why I'm still breathing today. Without her, there will be no more reason to continue on living.

Not long after that, (Y/n)'s bearing my offspring. She's very nervous about it. Scared that she won't be able to deliver the baby, I need to encourage her for 9 months straight. Holding her hands before she fell asleep, and keeping her close every night, hoping that it will calm her and the baby. I need to constantly telling her about how great our child will be, telling that she's gonna be pretty like her mother, yet strong like her father. After 9 months, finally it's time for the delivery. I never thought that I will be the one that nervous when the time really comes. I couldn't let go of her hands during the process. However, everything went smooth. A beautiful demon puppy has born healthy and well. Now I remembered why Inuyasha told me that my daughter is the cutest thing that he had ever seen. My child is really a sunshine.

Our family were happy for 60 years. Our daughter has grown up as a smart and strong demon, just like me. However, things are not going well with (Y/n). She's getting old, skinny, and weak. Her beautiful (h/c) has turned white like mine. She also got a problem with her sight. We have tried to cure it, but it's only gets worse 'till the point that she lost her eyesight. Her age is consuming her. Started with her health that's getting worse.

Now I realized, things are going to be just like Inuyasha and Totosai said. Her end is near and I'm going to lost myself.


Okayy! Epilogue part 1 is here! Owo)9
Continue to Epilogue part 2! >>>>

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