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"Uh.. Lord Sesshoumaru.."


"I can't think if you're keep clinging on me.." The girl could felt the warm breath on her left ear. Her back was also heavy for being pushed by a body that's much bigger than hers. Her small arms started to tremble.

"Why can't?" The man asked as if nothing's wrong with his action.

"O-of course!! You're being- too close!" The girl stuttered. She couldn't hide the tint on her cheeks that spread up to her ears. They were actually sitting on the couch, but Sesshoumaru's leaning on her back, letting all of his weight fell on her.

Soon, she lost her balance due to the weight and her body fell on the soft couch. Sesshoumaru used his hand to support himself before the fall. He knew she will ran out of air if he fell on her too. Now hovering on the teenager, he took a deep breath before he speak. "Your years of life are too short for me. I don't want to waste any other seconds without you." He caressed her cheeks while locking his orbs on her (e/c) ones.

Her eyebrows twitched. "I know you tried to be romantic but WE HAVE A BUSINESS TO BE DONE HERE!" the girl slapped her ancestor with a bunch of papers in her hands. "We still need to figure out a way for you to go back to the past!!" The girl tried to rolled herself away from the man, yet his hand instantly blocked her way.

"Hmm.. come to think of it.. I think living with you in this era is better-"

"NO! NOPE! NOPE!!! WE HAD A DEAL, REMEMBER?? I help you go back to your time, and you take me there!" The girl quickly put her index finger on his lips. "I love feudal era so much! And you knew that! I want to abandon all of this mess, so please~.." she whined.

The man chuckled before let go of his helper. "So, what did you get, little helper?" He teased. His current smirk somehow looked very attractive for the teenager, he knew she couldn't resist this one.

"Uh-F-First, the password into that chamber! Do you remember it? Something about Tenseiga sealed it's wielder and couldn't save her mother, yet it united them." She flipped her papers to check the notes that she has made. Tapping the pencil on her forehead, she couldn't understand these phrases. "Do you have any idea, what is Tenseiga?"

Sesshoumaru blinked a few times. He often showed that sword to her, but he never mentioned its name. Then, he stood and pulled out the sword that was hanging on his waist this whole time. He laid the sword on the coffee table in front of them. "This is Tenseiga."

"Okay.. Come to think of it, I met you because I accidentally pulled this out, right? And it broke your seal.." The girl stared the sword in amazement. "It did united us.. hahaha.." The girl smiled cheerfully at the man while pulling out her notes again. Then, she continued, "Okay.. Now, all that left is the part that Tenseiga couldn't help her mother.. Hmmm.."

"It's the woman.. She told me that even if I revived her with Tenseiga, her body is too old.. So she refused it.."

"She said that???"

"Yes." Now both of them were staring at each other, but the girl didn't seem to satisfied with Sesshoumaru's answer.

"Ugh.. Lord Sesshoumaru.. Why did you hide all of those details from me??" The girl facepalmed, but she's keep updating her notes. "anyway, we've figured out what events that mentioned in the password.. now what..?"

"hmm.." Sesshoumaru put his fingers under his chin. He took the papers from the girl swiftly and analyzed the information in it. "These phrases.. they are all focused on Tenseiga.. But why..?" He tried to find any clue in his memories about the sword that his father left for him, yet all that showed up was the memory of how he despised the sword's function.

"Whoever made these phrases, maybe they want us to do something with the sword.." The girl took back her papers, now she started to draw bubbles and lines. She put the important words in the bubbles that were connected with each other. "So.. who.. when.. how.." she muttered the words that she's about to write down.

"We're stucked. I'm gonna took that scroll." Sesshoumaru stood up, he took the sword with him and walked to the front door.

"Wait-what?? How about me??" The girl gasped.

"You can go to sleep.. or if you want to do something with me after I get back, you can wait." Another smirk left his lips. His lifted up one of his eyebrow, signed an illiterate meaning behing his terms. The girl only blushed and gasped even louder before he closed the door of her temporary bedroom.

He walked the same hallway as before. He's actually got a lot of patience in doing the research and teasing his little helper, but he got another plan in his mind, remembering the girl that showed up in front of the chamber's main entrance, perhaps he could find her soul and forced her for a talk.

Sesshoumaru entered the girl's office and ignored the man that has been eyeing him since he went in. "Forgetting something, Lord Sesshoumaru?" The middle-aged man tried to gain information by his statement, yet again, he was ignored by his ancestor.

Sesshoumaru entered the passageway and stopped at the first blue flamed torch. He remembered the rule to opened the door although it wasn't really clear. I supposed to be the head of this family.. so my door would be the first one.. Sesshoumaru muttered the password. As he spoke, the shadow of the girl appeared. This time, she's bowing towards him.

"I know that you'll come, dad.." The girl lifted up her head and unexpectedly smiled to him. Her eyes were soft and the smile were true. The door appeared behind her as her shadow vanished into the thin air. He's quite shocked with the different reaction that the girl gave, yet he tried to push that aside and stepped into the chamber.

However, what lies in the chamber would give him another surprise.


Helloo.. thank you for reading this one too owo
I hope you like it.. ><
You know, I have another story that I haven't finished somehow.. I think I will try to continue that one while doing this one too ><
Maybe, I won't be able to update this story as often as before because of this.. so .. sorry TwT

But thanks for all of your support.. it means a lot to me.. xD

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