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Her fingers clenched stronger into her hands, dig deeper into her flesh. Nervous also overwhelmed her, but her curiosity pushed her forward into the unknown path. After a few minutes wondering in the darkness of the cave, the girl finally reached the end of her path.

She ended up in a bigger space inside the cave. There was a gap at the cave's ceiling and it makes the rain and a little bit of light went into the cave. From the dripping sound, the girl could see that the area was covered by water. But in the middle of the water area, there was a big stone and a piece of metal that look like a sword was pierced into it.

"Hmm.. someone just left a good stuff here.." She mumbled without lowering her guard. From the look of it, the sword were still nice since it reflected the light perfectly. She surely realized that the foreign aura was the strongest in this area. Suddenly she felt an eerie aura right behind her and pushed her into the water.

She's shocked but thankfully, the water is not deep, only around her ankles. She swiftly moved towards the stone. She pressed her back towards it so if anything was about to attack her, the stone would be her cover. Slowly she reached the sword that right above her left shoulder and tried to pull it out.

"Come on.. at least give me power to smack this unidentified being-.. O-Oh.." unexpectedly, the sword was easy to pull. Then she pointed the sword to the darkness in front of her and suddenly the water around her started to illuminate.

"OH SHIIIT!!" The girl shrieked. "SHOW ME YOURSELF!!" She shouted while still pointed the sword and moved forward in a threatening action. Thanks to the glowing water, now she got a better sight of the area around her. She kept scanned for any suspicious shadow or being but didn't find any.

Too bad. She didn't realize that something was already formed behind her and it was a bad idea for her to walked backwards again. Now she could felt something behind her. It wasn't a rough stone like before, instead, it was warm and soft. Her body trembled so much with how close she was with the unknown being.

Slowly, she could see a pair of pale hands from behind her, meanwhile she remained stoned at her current position. "You won't be able to kill with that sword.." a low tone husky voice was heard from her right ear as the hands were embracing her hands and the sword. Slowly he took the sword and pushed the girl away.

The girl turned her head after her hands prevented her to hit the water floor immediately. There stood a man with a pale tall figure and long silver hair. While the water was glowing brighter, she finally realized that the man was actually naked. OMG NAKED?!! MUST! COVER! MY! EYES! She thought.

At first she covered her eyes, but she turned her sight to the fave first. The man's face was actually very good looking with a mark of a cresent moon on the forehead and red tattoos on the cheeks. His sharp golden eyes were staring at the sword that he held. Suddenly, from the sword, there were some kind of orbs that emitted from it and flew towards the man. The orbs were gathered around him and shone brightly and the girls shut her eyes tightly in respond.

By the time she opened her eyes, the man were already fully clothed  with a white kimono that got some red ornaments, a black armor that covered his chest to the lower part, and a fluffy fur on his right shoulder. Soon after that, he put the sword away. He's looking back at the girl that has been watching him since the beginning. "Who are you?" He asked.

His words snapped her out. "Oh.. Hey I'm the one that should ask you, besides, you're in my property!" The man thought that his words would make her run or at least passed out, since she was trembling so much at first but it seemed to be otherwise. "Anyway.. what are you? a ghost?" The man didn't have any intention in harming the human and answering her question, so he's just walked away from the girl, leaving her in the inner part of the cave alone. 

After that, the girl stood up and followed him but she kept a safe distance from him. She realized that he was the source of the eerie aura from before. On their way out, the girl only staring at the broad back of the man. His silver hair was flowing majestically. Unconsciously she compared her (h/c) (h/l) hair with his hair. My hair surely doesn't stand a chance... She thought.

Finally both of them reached the end of the cave. The rain has finally stopped. Leaving the calming smell of it. The man walked to the cliff where she rested before. The girl saw the man suddenly pulled a confused face. He's staring at the light of the cities but that view was somehow foreign for him. "How long has it been?" He mumbled.

The girl was actually not planning to stay around the man any longer, she's slowly walked away from him, but the man then pulled her right arm. The girl was shocked. There was supposed to be a distance between them, but somehow he's right next to her now. "What year is it now?" His golden eyes were piercing through her (e/c) orbs deeply.

Of course she didn't reply soon. It makes the man lost his temper and  clenched on her arms strongler and pulled her closer. She looked at his hand and shocked by the long and sharp nails that he had. It could pierced right into her soft flesh without any problem. That kind of thought disturbed her mind but she knew that she couldn't easily lose at this guy.

"Heh! How about thanking me first for freeing you before?" the girl glared at him.


Thank you for reading this part too~~ XD

I hope you like it~ owo

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