"I Just Feel You."

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The song above is kind of great feel free to listen to it while reading...you'll know when to press play. I also recommend for all you criers to listen to Stuff We Did from up..or just the infinity war music because I CRY EVERY SINGLE TIME. Anyways enjoy :)

April's POV

After we killed space bitch, my attention is back on the space dogs. A couple of charge for the four of us and I breach the ones after me to a nice field trip into space. That way they can't screw up any timeline. Yay me!

Insert smiley face here.

Thor manages to fly his way over to where I am blasting space dogs into ash and he looks at me in confusion.

"I don't think we've met. I'm Thor," he says and shoots throws a couple of lightning bolts.

"No, we haven't. I'm April," I say and set up a line of breaches to shoot a bullet at space dog about to eat Bucky's face off about a hundred feet away.

"Nice to meet you," I nod at Thor.

"You too," he says and flys up to destroy a couple landing pods.

My head starts to ache, but this time it's worse than ever before. I know it's a warning, but the bad already came. What is it warning me about?

He's here.

"Steve, it's Thanos. He's here," I warn him through the coms.

"Everyone on my position. We have incoming," Steve commands.

It doesn't take long for me to breach to Steve and when I do, Bruce, Wanda, Vision, Nat, Sam, Bucky, and Thanos is already standing there.

"Cap, that's him," Bruce says.

"Your powers. How did you acquire them?" Thanos asks looking directly at me.

I say nothing due to me just being bitchy, but I'm actually scared out of my fricken mind.

"I asked you a question child. It's rude not to answer," he prys.

"Well, then I guess I'm just really rude," I shrug trying to seem confident.

"Eyes up. Stay Sharp," Steve says and bolts into action.

We all charge at Thanos together. Bruce was the first to get put down. He was just about to throw a punch, but Thanos places him into the side of the cliff with the space stone as if it were nothing.

Steve was the next to go. He didn't even get within two feet before Thanos tossed him away like a pebble.

T'challa jumps up hoping to get the higher ground, but Thanos catches him at the neck and places a not so friendly fist into his face, smashing him into the ground.

Sam flys in from above shooting as much as possible, but his wings begin to falter and he tumbles to the ground.

Vision looks over at me and I know what he wants me to do. I don't know if I can do it though.

"April, please. You have to," Vision says to me and Wanda intervenes.

"No!" She cries.

"They can't stop him, Wanda, but we can," he pleads.

"Look at me. Both of you have the power to destroy the stone. Who will it be? We are out of time," he tries to reason with her.

"I won't let you die," she says, tears start dripping from her face.

"April, it's time," he says and looks at me.

I nod, extending my hand, but Wanda places her hand on mine.

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