"Am I Dead Yet?"

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Steve's POV

It's only been 3 hours and I finished reading all of April's blog. I was determined to read it all before she woke up. Why? I don't know.

There obviously was some stuff on there that was taken out, changed, or is just made up because of her powers. Even if it was all 100% true, I would still find it entertaining. I can see how she is making so much money from this.

People sponsor her all of the time so she can advertise for them or have her take pictures for them. She even sells most of her work. One of my favorite pictures that she drew would have to be the Colosseum. I just love that she put in so much effort into it. You can tell based on the amount of detail there is, she is really passionate about what she does. Other than that, I have no idea why I like it so much.

I'm not an art expert or anything, but I can tell April puts her life and soul into travels based on her art. Even the way she describes the places she goes tells a story.

"I never thought that the 100-year-old super soldier would spend so much time on the internet in one sitting. What are you even doing?" Sam asks when he walks into the room that I somewhat claimed as my own.

"I was reading April's blog. It's actually really interesting," I say, still not looking away from the computer on my lap.

"You really like this girl, don't you? Steve, you met her today," he says as he walks over to me.

"Well, a lot can happen in a day. Besides, I just find her interesting that's all."

"Yeah tell me about it," he sighs, "How long are you planning on staying here? In case you forgot, we are criminals now," Sam states trying to make eye contact and I oblige.

"I haven't forgotten. I just want to make sure April's okay. After that we will leave, I promise," I answer his question honestly.

I know we have to leave, but part of me doesn't want to. I don't feel like I should just leave the person that saved me and the lives of my friends for no reason. A good person does that.

An Avenger does that.

Plus, I am starting to remember how much I liked it here. I just at home. I feel accepted. I never felt that way with anyone except Bucky.

I'm still wondering why doesn't April want to save people? She has proven that she is more than capable and really good at it. Yes, she needs training, but we could help her.

"I don't want to leave," a voice that definitely wasn't mine says.

Sam and I both turn our heads towards the door to see a very conflicted Natasha.

"What?" I ask so I can make sure I heard her right.

"I don't want to leave," she says again except this time she seems confident and sure.

"Why?" Sam asks before the same word can slip through my mouth.

"SHIELD was my home. This is the closest I'm ever going to get to having that again. The people here accepted me and were my family. I want to stay," Nat says, but it seems like she's convincing herself more than us.

"I agree," I say walking to stand next to Natasha.

"You guys are crazy," Sam yells throwing his arms in the air.

"Are we though? We came here for help and they were more than willing and didn't arrest us or call anyone else. SHIELD was what brought us together in the first place. Maybe we can make a new team," I state.

"With who April?" Sam teases and I give him an annoyed look. "Okay fine. Let's say we stay here. What makes you think the government won't find us if we don't keep moving?" Sam questions.

"This place is known for secrets. They don't even know Nick is still alive or that this place even exists. The only people that know about this place is because of the 3 of us, because of April. I do not think they will find us," Nat explains as if it were obvious.

Sam looks down at his feet to consider what was just said. I can't tell what he's thinking. I can only hope he agrees with Natasha and I.

"Fine," he caves.

"I'm glad you all came to an agreement. We already have your first task," Coulson says from behind us.

"Great," Sam says, but he doesn't seem very enthusiastic.

"Coulson? You're alive?" Natasha asks with the same expression as me when I saw him.

"Fury figured that I was too important to let me die. After a couple of days, he brought me back," he says.

"Days?" Sam says, trying to catch up.

"Yeah. Turns out Tahiti isn't all that magical. It sucks."

"So the mission. Where are we going?" I ask, getting back on track ready to restart this adventure all over again.

"New York."

Never mind, I can wait.

April's POV

Am I dead yet?

"No you're not dead," Nicky, I assume, said.

I haven't even opened my eyes, but my head is throbbing due to the light.

"Did I say that out loud?" I mumble starting to sit my body up straight.

"Yes, you did. I'm glad you're not dead because the team is going to need you," he says.

"What team? I thought the Avengers broke up like the Beatles. Besides Nicky, I told you I didn't want to save anyone. What makes you think I have changed my mind?" I asked, tilting my head to the side and rubbing my eyes.

"I don't think you've changed your mind yet, but I think I know someone who can," he sits down on a chair next to my bed handing me a glass of water.

I gladly accept, "Who would that be?" I ask a take a sip of water.


The water that was previously in my mouth is now on the floor causing a slipping hazard. I am officially choking on nothing, yet I can't help but cough up all my organs.

"What makes you say that?" I ask again in between each cough.

"He's a nobleman who wanted to save the world when everyone said he couldn't do it. He didn't give up, why should I? I think that if you're going to be on the team, Steve will be the reason you join."

I look down at the floor and start to rethink a couple of things.

Should I really be on this team? Maybe I should do something good for once. I can just do one mission to see how things go. I don't how to go out in the field though. I would need training. They don't even know how powerful I am. Do I even know how powerful I am?


"Well, that was easy," Patchy says and gets up and leaves.

"Wait! Nicky where are you going?" I yell after him.

A group of agents scatters into my treatment room along with Director Coulson.

"So, I assume you don't have a super suit yet. I will have to ask Simmons to make you one. Until then you will be wearing this," Phil says handing me a regular field suite for an agent of SHIELD.

"What no hug? I figured you wouldn't miss me too much, but really? Not even a hello?" I gasp dramatically as if I was hurt.

"Well, what can I say? You named your casket after me," he shrugs playfully and

"So wait, I'm leaving right now? I don't have any training or experience. Don't you think I should have some of that?"

"Yes, but we need you now. Just follow orders."

"Where am I going?"

"New York, Cap will need your help."

I nod as he walks towards the door.

"Wait!" I call out and he stops and turns.

"Tell the team I miss them. Especially Sky, I haven't seen her in a while."

"Will do."

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