"The April Treatment 4.0"

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Steve's Pov

We arrive at the headquarters of what I like to call SHIELD 2.0 in Washington DC. I assume that SHIELD 2.0 started with the people Nick Fury trusted. I'm still not sure who that is yet. Going to SHIELD wasn't the smartest plan, but we didn't have any other choice.

I'm still not a fan of the fact that Nick didn't listen to Hill, Natasha, or me about letting SHIELD.

"Right this way Captain," an agent said to me and led me to a small room.

The second we actually met up with a group of agents, they immediately knew exactly what to do. They injected her with some sort of shot. I have no idea what was in it, but I didn't ask any questions. This clearly happens often.

"Please lay her down on the bed. We can take it from here," the agent stated.

She sticks an IV into April's arm and begins to clean the blood off of her. She also takes something out of the cabinet nearby and inserts it into the IV.

"So, I see you've met April Smith," a voice, that I instantly recognize, says.

I turn to face Nick Fury.

That's unexpected.

Why? Just because Nick had SHIELD 2.0 put together, doesn't mean he actually works here still. Last time I saw him, he said he has retired anyway.

"Yes, Director. I met her today in fact. How do you know April?" I ask with my arms crossed as Nick leads me out of the room and through a corridor and hands me a new shirt to replace my bloody one.

"We've known each other for a while. With her abilities, we considered her for the Avengers, but she declined. She said she didn't want to use her powers to be a hero. Which I guess isn't very noble, but she doesn't have much experience and can't do much with her powers at a time without the life being sucked out her. Oh and," he pauses and looks at me, "I'm just here for April. I am no longer Director of SHIELD. I'm dead and retired," Fury states clearly.

"That's right," I hear another voice and look ahead to see Phil Coulson, "I am."

Now that was really unexpected.

"Coulson? It's good to see you, but how are you alive? You died five years ago," I ask, amazed.

"We talk about that later. It's good to see you, but I would prefer you would let me do the explaining to Romanoff," he says and I nod.

"So backing up, her powers suck the life out of her? Are you saying she's dying?" I ask with a worried tone, getting back on track.

"Yes and no," Fury explains to me. "April will be fine. She just needs treatment."

"What kind of treatment?" my curiosity continues to grow the more he tells me information.

"I'll let her answer that. Sometimes people want to tell their friends their own secrets and back stories," he bluntly states.

"I would hardly consider April a friend," I eye the man.

"You should. She just saved your butt."

I nod and break away from my path with Fury and Coulson to go find Natasha and Sam.

What exactly is April? What can she do? What is this treatment?

So many questions float in my head, but I have no idea who to ask.

April's Pov

My body jerks awake and my eyes burst open. I know where I am. I have been here too many times to forget. Not technically in this building, but SHIELD tends to keep their interior design the same.

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