"My Perfect Flag Boy"

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April's POV

When I wake up, I feel warm, muscular arms wrapped around me. I breathe in the very faint smell of cologne. I can feel Steve's chest rise and fall after every breath on my back and his nose tickles my neck.

I slightly move my arm and Steve's grip tightens around me and I hear a slight grumble.

"Good morning Spangles," I say as I finally open my eyes.

I can hear him laugh and I can feel his breath against my neck.

"Good morning April. How are you?" He asks and I turn to face him.

"I am absolutely perfect," I smile.

"I know," he says and snuggles closer to me.

A small laugh breaks through my lips.

"Why do you think you're absolutely perfect?" Stevie asks, barely awake.

"Because I woke up next to you," I say and place a small kiss on his cute little nose.

"I love you."

"I love hearing you say that. It feels good hearing the man I love says he loves me," I sigh.

I start to get up and for the most part, I did, but the second my feet touch the floor, I was being pulled back down. Steve was now straddling me, his face inches from mine.

"I didn't say you could go yet," Steve says, in a deep morning voice.

Holy cheese balls, could he be any sexier?

"Steve, I never expected you to be so dominant. I like it," I say, slightly out of breath due to the surprise.

"I can't help it. I hate seeing you go."

His eyes flicker down to my lips as he leans in. Out noses just brush past each other, then his lips slowly connect with mine.

Like always, it starts out sweet, but as we keep at it, it gets hungrier. My lips slowly get farther apart and Steve's tongue slips into my mouth.

His chest slowly presses down onto mine as he grinds against me. A small moan escapes my lips and it only seemed to excite Steve more.

My legs start to wrap around his waist and my hands end up in his hair. He breaks away from my lips and starts to trace my jaw down to my collar bone. Steve's warm hands move up and down my body and another moan comes out of me.

My hands move down his chest and over his abs. I start to tug at the hem of his shirt and pull it over his shoulders.

His soft lips reconnected with mine and his hands slip under my shirt. I can feel him grow under me which only makes me wetter.

Christ, the things he does to me.

Nothing could ruin this moment, but my luck seems to hate me. A sudden, loud knock on the door startled us both.

"April? We should probably get ready to leave," Natasha says from the other side of the door.

I push Steve off of me and quickly gather my things off of the small table and shove them into my bag, including the breach button.

Steve throws his shirt on an grabs his bag and we both make out way to the door.

God, this will be embarrassing.

"April have you seen Steve? He isn't in his room - " Nat cuts herself off when I swing the door open.

She immediately looks at me and then Steve, who is behind me.

"Oh, never mind," Nat says with a smirk.

My face must be redder than her ledger.

Bad joke?


Tony's POV

"Friday you got any updates on that plane?" I ask.

It's been hours she should have figured out something by now.

"Yes, sir. The plane is getting ready for departure. Expected arrival is in about 5 hours. I believe the plan is one of the former SHIELD."

"Any reason you didn't tell me the second you found this out?" I ask.

"Well, you never told me when you wanted me to tell you. You only said you wanted to know," she says in that bitchy AI voice.

Why did I design her like this?

"You couldn't have just assumed I wanted to know right away?"

"No, sir. In the past, you have told me to never assume things. Your exact words were, 'Don't assume because assume is spelled ass, you, and me.' I figured the same rule still applied," she said in that smug voice.

Sometimes I really hate myself.

I sigh and say, "Just tell me when she gets close. I will fill the rest in later. Also, call Parker. I need him to come in."

April's POV

"So, you and Steve. Is it an official thing now?" Nat quietly asks on the jet.

"Yes," I glance over to where Steve is talking to King T'challa.

"He's a great kisser right?" she asks and my eyes go wide.

She immediately bursts into laughter and said, "I'm kidding! I really am happy for you guys. He wouldn't shut up about you. It got really annoying."

"You ready?" Steve asks when he approaches Nat and I.

"Yep. Let's get going," I say popping the 'p' at the end of my 'yep.'

I quickly walk away from them both before things get extra awkward. Steve gives me a confused look and follows me.

I take a seat in the same spot as before and buckle myself in. Steve does the same next to me.

"April are you okay?" Capsicle asks with concern in his eyes.

"Yeah. I just," I pause trying to place my words together, "I'm not used to the whole relationship thing. I have never been in one, officially at least, until now. This is especially complicated because now when people ask who my boyfriend is, I get to say, Captain America - "

"Boyfriend," he exhales.

"Yeah. Boyfriend. I only just thought about it," I elaborate.

"I like the way you say it," Steve says with a little laugh.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Your voice got just a tad bit lower and airy. It sounded, I don't know, but I liked it. I like a lot of the small things you do. Like when you get frustrated, your eyebrows knit together. When you're thinking about something, you bit your lip. Did you know when you walk through the halls you're constantly mumbling? Whether its song lyrics, a poem, or just your thoughts, you're always talking. I also love when you play with your hair in meetings and - "

I stopped listening to what he was saying after that. He just kept looking at his lap and saying everything he loved about me.

I can't believe he noticed all of that.

I never noticed all of that.


He snaps his head up to look at me.

"Yeah?" he asks, with the worried look back on his face.

"I love you. God, I love everything about you."

I bring his face closer to mine and our lips smash together. At this point, I don't even care that Nat most likely heard all of that and knows that I'm kissing Steve.

All I care about is how much this perfect Flag Boy is.

He's my perfect Flag Boy.

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