"I'm April"

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Steve's Pov

I am an outcast and a criminal, according to Stark. Did he really expect me to just abandon my best friend? The only people I had left were Natasha and Sam. They decided to come with me, where ever that is.

"Where to now Steve?" Sam asks, wondering where our next location would be.

"I don't care, but I'm tired of running and hiding. I want to live a normal life," I reply looking towards the ground as the three of us sit in a coffee shop.

"Well, we don't have a lot of options, Steve. If we don't run, we have had to hide. If we don't hide, then we get arrested," Natasha says.

"Where could we go that would be somewhat enjoyable that the government and Stark wouldn't suspect? Or just somewhere they wouldn't look or find us? Or even a place where they wouldn't have the authority to get us?" I ask them.

"I don't know," Sam mumbles, "Europe? Asia? Anywhere not the United States," he chuckles.

"Like," I think for a moment, "Madrid? Paris? Venice? Rome? Any of those places sound like fun?"

"Steve, how do guy you suppose we get to any of those places? We can't exactly get a plane ticket," Natasha explains.

"I have no idea, but I'm sure we can figure something out."

At this point, I'm willing to do anything just to live normally. I know I will still have to dress in some sort of disguise, but I'm sick of running.

I know Sam and Natasha are too, but like saving people. It's not that I don't, I just want to settle down. I think that if SHIELD were still around, I might still be living that way because that was a place I felt I could fit in. Now, I just fee, lonely.

We did figure it out and ended up moving to Madrid. There were, of course, some complications, but we made it. Sam called in a favor from a friend and now we are settling in Spain. I still don't like the worried feeling I always have though. That feeling of stress when you think you'll get caught, I still have it. I'm afraid it might never go away.

Sam and Natasha suggested I take a walk every day to get used to things and clear my head. They reassure me, or more like begging me, every day that we could leave if I needed to.

I know they want to go out and explore, they like the movement because that's what they're used to. I don't want that though. I was a hero, now I'm not. I just want to live a normal life. The life I would've had if I didn't join the army. I'm just grateful they even stuck with me.

On one of my walks, I found a coffee shop that I like to sit in. I have been getting the same thing every day for the past week since we have been here; a simple black coffee.

As I walk into the building, I run into someone. A beautiful young woman. She looks about in her early twenties with long, wavy, brown hair, and bright green eyes. She looks up at me and her face is beyond red, but she tries to smile through it. I'm sure I look the same.

"I am so sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going at all - " she said looking everywhere except me.

I could tell she was going to keep rambling about how sorry she was, so I started to laugh. I put my hand on her shoulder to get her attention. I know it worked because she stopped talking and looked directly at me.

"It's okay really. I wasn't looking either," I smile at her.

"Sorry. I kind of talk a lot when I do something stupid. It hides the fact that I'm dying of embarrassment," she says and tucks a piece of hair behind her ear.

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