"Ready As I'll Ever Be."

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April's POV

"Mr. Stark! It's so great to see you again!"

"Ya, who are you?" the playboy asks.

What do I say? I have no idea how to handle situations like this. I'm freaking out, man. I am freaking the frack out.

What are you a stoner from the '90s? No 'man' was needed in that statement.

April! Back on track!

"Uh, my name is - " my voice trails off as I try to come up with a name.

"Say your name is Grace Henderson. You are there to pick up a package for Pepper. She needs it for a meeting later today and forgot to get it," Steve instructs through the earpiece.

Wow, he works fast. Well, it was most likely Natasha, but whatever.

"Sorry," I apologize for not answering him sooner. "My name is Grace Henderson. I work for Miss Potts. She sent me to get a package she forgot about for her meeting later today," I say following my orders.

"Oh right!" Stark snaps his fingers as if what I said was the truth.

Was it?

"Let me take you there. It can be a little hard to find things with all of this chaos going on."

Tony starts walking in the direction I was headed in, taking me to the package.

"Just follow him and get the package so he will carry on with his day. If you find an excuse to leave, he will know you're lying," I hear blondie's voice in my ears.

"So your Pepper's assistant?" Tony asks looking behind his shoulder and at me.

"Tell him you work for security," Steve orders.

"No, I'm just doing her a favor. I work in the building for security," I explain.

"That explains the outfit then. You don't seem very tough though. Are you sure you can handle this type of job?" Tony asks.

Before Steve can give me my next line, I state my mind.

"Why is that Mr. Stark? Are women not allowed to be tough? Or are we just not capable? I have personally met multiple women that I believe could take you down," I ask, honestly offended he would say such a thing.

I can hear Steve laugh over the line, and I can't help but smile.

"Not at all. I had a friend who was the toughest, most badass person I have ever met. She's a woman. You just seem," he pauses with his words and his steps. "not like her," he finishes turning to face me.

"How so?" I ask trying to keep conversation.

We continue on our journey before he answers.

"Well for starters she never lets anything scare her and never hesitates. She always is 2 steps ahead and knows how to kick some ass. She also always seemed so serious, hardly ever smiles. You are anything but that," he states in his 'I know everything because I'm a billionaire' voice.

I think I'm okay with that though.

"I'm sure she wasn't like that at first, considering you call her a friend. How else would she be able to win you over?" I ask with a slight smile.

I'm actually enjoying this conversation.

"No, she wasn't. That's only because she was a spy working for a secret organization, SHIELD. Is that what you are Miss Henderson?" Stark asks in a joking, yet somewhat serious way.

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