"Ah, That's Really Gross."

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April's POV

I'm so happy coms are a thing. It's nice to know that I will be able to listen to everything on the field.

For example, hearing Banner falls on his face because he tripped on a rock. That was the best thing to happen all day.

"I've got two best signatures breaking through the tree line," Rhodes informs.

Do you know what else is really cool? Hearing an army chant. It got me nervous, yet really pumped, too.

"Thank you for standing with us," T'challa says to his brother.

Actually, I'm kind of really confused with this whole family thing they got going on here.

M'backu says something in their native language, but I, of course, have no idea what he said.

Stevie, Natasha, and T'challa all walk up to the edge of the dome to greet some old friends.


Sorry, I just really don't like that woman. She gave me a bad vibe.

"Where's your other friend?" Nat asks.

Wait, did her boyfriend die? Did we do that? There's no way. He was totally alive.

I am unable to catch what the bitch with horns said, but I'm sure it was bitchy. Hence my word usage.

Wow. I cursed a lot just now. Like I don't do that. Aprils you need to chill. Pregnancy is already affecting you.

"That's not going to happen," Steve says, which leads me to believe the aliens threatened us.

"You are in Wakanda now. Thanos will have nothing but dust and blood."

Yas queen! Well, I guess king. You tell them, bro!

God, I hate myself.

I hear a loud screech and look out the window and one of the landing pods they had started to rise. That's not good.

"They surrender?" Bucky asks.

"Not exactly."

"Not exactly? Um no. That is a 'no they sure as hell did not surrender' Stevie," I scold.

"AJ, I think you're freaking out just a little bit," Steve calmly says.

"It's more than just a little bit."

"Stevie? AJ? You guys are cute," Bucky says and I can just picture his stupid smile

"Cute isn't exactly the word I would use. I was thinking more along the lines of gross, disgusting, cringey, you know. Stuff like that," Sam jokes.

"You know something, Sam? Jesus may love you, but everyone else thinks you're a dick," I say, very proud of my comeback.

Everyone else seems to enjoy it as well.

Yay April!

More chanting erupts and out the window, I see the army they seem to be so worried about. Turns out, they were right to be worried.

"What the hell?" Bucky asked, very surprised that such a thing can exist.

"It looks like we pissed her off," Nat says like it was a regular occurrence.

It probably it.

"I think you did a little more than pissed her off," I gaze out the window.

The army of aliens charge at the dome and try to get it. They obviously aren't making much progress.

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