"Expect the Unexpected"

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April's POV

"Alright, this is all about instinct and muscle memory," Steve says handing me a false gun.

I flash him a confused look, so he explains his actions.

"Point the gun at me," Steve says and I comply.

Comply? Really? Probably not the best word choice April.

"If someone has a gun pointed at you, all you need to do is cup the barrel," he does so, "grab my wrist, and snap it away from the gun," he slowly does acts it out so I can clearly see what he's doing. "After that, pull me towards you to trap me, but always be ready for the unexpected and adapt to the situation."

"Okay, I think I get it," I nod and I hand him the gun so that I can attempt to do what he did.

I grab the barrel and his wrist, but I can't snap it away. Every time I try, he grips tighter to the gun.

"Remember, adapt to the situation. Now try again," Mr. Goody Goody says.

Once again, I grab the gun and his wrist, but this time, he grabs my wrist as well and pulls me to him.

"Expect the unexpected," he says as he lets me go.

I'm starting to get frustrated. How the heck am I supposed to do anything against a super soldier. I let out a loud sigh and he can tell I'm getting irritated.

"It's okay April. You'll learn from experience," Capsicle reassures me.

"If you consider failure experience," I roll my eyes.

"I consider experience, experience. Besides everyone learns from their mistake. How do you think we got the light bulb?"

He has a point.

"Touché," I point a defeated finger at him.


About three hours pass of me failing, sorry, gaining experience. I know this will help and I am determined to be better. That's basically the only thing that has been keeping me going.

It's about 1 o'clock, so I take this time to eat a healthy lunch. That's a lie. I attempt to eat healthy, but whenever I see a burger I can't help myself.

Don't lie. You do it too.

Anyways I eat a Turkey wrap and a small fruit salad. That's healthy enough for me. I will never eat kale, so don't even try to convince me.

I figured my break was over and I should go to meet up with Natasha. She's probably waiting for me in the training room.

I make it to the training room with no trouble and find Natasha is waiting for me.

"You're late," she says when I am about 3 feet away from her.

"A wizard is never late, nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means too," I quote Gandalf with an overdramatic raise of my shoulders.

She rolls her eyes, but I can tell by the faint up turning lips she finds my comment amusing.

"Okay in all seriousness, I need your help,"  she looks confused and nods for me to continue.

"I need to learn how to disarm a gun like a boss. I waisted 3 hours of my time today because Steve kept playing tricks. I figured I should go to you considering you're, like, awesome," I say as if it were common sense.

Natasha's smile grows wider at my compliment. She walks over to the weapon rack by the wall and grabs the false gun Steve and I were using earlier.

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