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His head was swimming, drowning. Something was terribly wrong- his ears were ringing and everything was fuzzy. The agent... she had done something. Sonic cannons? He guessed. 

Since he was nine, his world was built from surfaces, sounds, even smells and taste. It was never so cut and dry what sensory information formed each aspect of his worldview, but in his head, a world was constructed around him. His "world on fire", as he explained to Claire. It's always been something he could rely on. He remembered where he had just been- the roof. Clearly, a situation fuelled by continuous bad ideas. But he really felt he had it under control, he had felt escape within his grasp. Skye was to his side, he wasn't paying her much attention as he sparred with the other woman. He had just managed to knock her down, it was clear to him she was classically trained. He was aiming to run when he experienced a sensation that he had never encountered, a wall erupted before him pushing him back. But as his body fell, his view of the world around him remained in motion. It was like what he remembered looking through a swimming pool was like, the edges of the world distorted, pushing and pulling. He assumed this is what vertigo felt like, his body still, but all his senses telling him the ground before him was like putty. His ears rang and his skin crawled. He felt like throwing up, but all he could do was try to stop the ringing. For the first time in years, the senses he had come to rely on betrayed him. As the feeling subsided, it was replaced with a dull vibration, and the world was dark even before he felt the sting of a stun gun.

As he awoke, whatever it had done had filled his head with cotton. He could feel a cool surface against the part of his face that wasn't covered by the mask. Other than that, the room was fuzzy. He hated the feeling. Thankfully the room began to clear and the aching subsided. 

As soon as it hit him what happened, his hands went to his face, feeling the stiff mask beneath his fingers relieved him only slightly- he had been captured. The room he was in smelled like a light anesthetic, cleaner, and old cologne, a hospital... why would it be a hospital? No, not a hospital- a locked room with... one... two cameras. The image started to clear but only until he could tell where the door was, it was locked, obviously. But then the image stopped, just by his hearing he could only sense this room and the items, such as the chair he was tied to and the table his hands were cuffed to. But there was nothing else surrounding it. The room was soundproof.

He groaned and hit his head on the table, it was as if God had seen his arrogance with his abilities and decided just to take them away. The image inside the room was clear now despite his headache, the walls had an indented hexagon pattern which also covered the door. Behind him and to the right was a folded chair attached to the wall. Other than that, it was just him and his restraints.

Where did this go wrong? His mind shifted again to what specifically happened, he got to the office building where the bomber was supposed to be. The building was standard, with four floors, each for a different company with a big garage and service/fire escape stairs. The agent... Skye... she must have come through the fire escape.


It was the reason he'd been caught, he heard her distinct heartbeat and froze on spot. He slouched hitting his head on the table, how could he have been caught? How could she have been there? He was putting everyone in danger, Foggy and Karen could lose their jobs. HE could- He would be put in jail and there would be no one to fight for justice as he had.

And Skye, was she an agent? An Agent of Shield? Well of course, she had the backup, the resources, and even contact with the authorities, they had gotten a helicopter. He was putting too much thought into this... It didn't matter that he knew her from then, now she was just an agent of the government. Matt had his profession and Skye had hers. But honestly... Did it have to be this one?

His train of thought was stopped by the sudden movement he felt. All the sudden he felt the rumble of an engine below him, the table- it must be connected to the floor. With this in mind, he slid his head to the side trying to place more contact on the metal. He could see it clearer now and he didn't like the image materializing in his mind.

Then the movement of another object stilted his concentration, it was the locks on the doors. The large door slid open and for a second Mathew could tell what was outside, a long hallway, a bigger room, a few indistinguishable others, a narrow front, small side rooms, a way downstairs. Then just as it came it was closed off again. Now there was a man of average build standing there blocking his newfound escape route, But strangely the man struck him as quite familiar.

"Wow look who we have here, the devil of Hell's Kitchen, I'm Phil" Mathew felt the blood drain from his face "But you would know that wouldn't you"

SHIELD was at the court. They truly were everywhere. And now everyone is in danger.

And they know who I am.

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