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"Matthew Murdock stop right there" Karen Paige stood at the doorway of the hospital, holding the door open she stared at his crimson red glasses.

"Karen, I'm going, ok?" Matt stood a few feet away from the exit, walking into the cold evening air, his fists were clenched and his glasses were basically sliding off his face, he looked horrible.

"No, what you have to do is to stop" Karen reached out to grab his shoulder but he edged away, she forgot that he had other ways of seeing. "You have this 'hero' complex around yourself that makes you think that you need to save everyone and solve all the problems in the world"

"No, it's not like that I-"

"Nope, I don't want to hear it, if you think that getting yourself killed over an accident is ok then so be it. But I don't want to be involved with that" She stepped back turning to the reception area "By the way you've attracted some attention from the big leagues" Matt was about to continue walking but she could tell this caught his attention.

"Wait what do you mean?" He turned his head towards her attentively, nothing she could say would change his mind, she knew that, yet why did she still try?

"Yeah, SHIELD was at the courtroom after the bombing. I'd bet that they were there because they heard that the devil of hell's kitchen might show up" Karen released the door letting the cold air slip into the area.

"Wait- Karen how do you know thi-"

"Bye Matt"

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