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Everything was dark? Bright? Everything was just burning. His skin felt like it was on fire, but primarily, everything around him was too. He could feel the heat on his skin and the smoke in his nose. Once the court-marshal yelled to get down everyone ducked and he dove beneath the stand, a horrible blast came from where the witness used to be standing. Explosions are unique things, painfully unique things, they have so much power, so much force, they are so loud. Brightness, darkness, whatever you want to call it everything was so loud. One moment felt stretched into a million where everything just... wasn't. Matt couldn't sense anything over the shock of the bomb, there was just, nothing. Then there was fire, and sirens, and cameras, and people, and cars, and screaming, and everything just needed to stop. Then the feeling of tugging and pulling, someone was lifting him up, quickly his senses returned and he tried to stand. The thing about bombs is, yes, they hurt, but they only go off for a split second. His skin felt burnt, his muscles felt burnt, he was just dragged to the back of the courtroom and laid onto a cot. His glasses weren't on his face and he could feel the bright heat of the sun beaming down upon him, they were most likely outside now.

"Sir, Can you hear me? Are you ok? What's your name?" Matts' throat was dry and scratchy, even trying to speak felt like needles were raking on the sides of his neck.

"M-Matthew m-Murdock" They were pulling him into the ambulance now, it was no longer warm. They opened his eyes and put a flashlight up to his face and clicked it on and off. He hesitated.

"Hey... that guy's blind" The paramedic whispered to one of the nurses. The ambulance engines were starting to go, Matt didn't need to go to the hospital, he didn't want to go to the hospital. There were others who needed this cot more than he. Foggy would have told him to stay down but he would have denied anyway, too. Foggy! Karen! He had forgotten about them because of the shock, he should have checked for them, where were they? He struggled to get up but did achieve at sitting on the bed, his muscles ached and his head hurt but he sat up anyway, they would have done the same.

"Hey no you shouldn't get up your going to the hospital" One of the doctors tried to push him back down but he refused.

"No, no I'm fine I'll just- leave n-now" He attempted at standing up and walking out before the doctor had time to react to a blind man refusing help after being attacked.

"No- Wait stop-"

He could sense that the ramp was there and held his hand up to the side of the ambulance in an attempt not to fall over. Then all the sudden he felt his chest burn, his foot caught the side of the ramp and he lost his balance, he started falling over waving his arms. He prepared himself for impact but it was cut short by someone catching his arms.

"Hey you can't escape that easily" A man lifted him up and pushed him back into the ambulance, he was about two meters tall with a stern but somewhat kind voice.
"Uh, I a-apologize sir" Matt coughed, holding his ribcage.

"Hey no problem, names Phil" Matthew could tell he was smiling, that was nice and he paused for a second, about to thank him, but there was something really wrong with him. His heartbeat was extremely misfigured, it was as if the beat was resetting itself every second like he was dying over and over but his body wouldn't let his heart stop beating. Matthew would have thought about it more, even asked him about it, but the same doctor shoved him back onto his cot. As much as Matt was worried about his friends, he was glad he was sitting down again. But that man - Phil - still bothered him, the only time he had heard a heart that weird before was in - St.Agnes Orphanage. Then as if on cue that same heartbeat could be heard just on the other side of the truck.

"Hey, Daisy did you get the other two people out?" Phil asked the lady standing next to him. Daisy?

"Yeah, they are in the other ambulance" She still had the same determined, confident voice as when he last knew her. "What did you help with?"

"I stopped some guy from 'escaping' the vehicle, it turns out he's blind, one of the doctors mentioned that"

"Oh, really... blind you say?" She was picking at the sides of her gloves when she suddenly looked up, as if she were connecting pieces of a puzzle in her head, "Matt...?"

Skye? The paramedics finished loading the people onto the ambulance and shut the doors.

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