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"Sulfur," Jemma scrunched her nose, "My least favorite non-combustible metal." Daisy was slouching in her chair watching as Jemma analyzed the chemical composition of whatever was on the piece of cloth they found.

"So there's no DNA on it or anything" Daisy figured it was from the guy who blew up the place but she wanted more than a description, she wanted a name.

"Not that I can see" Shame. She slid down in her chair.

"How are we supposed to find this guy now?" she muttered.

"You're thinking too closed-minded" Jemma typed something into her computer, holding up a vile. Hesitating, she grinned and turned the computer towards Daisy. The monitor displayed the same map of New York as before, but instead of displaying only four dots the area was littered with little yellow specks. Jemma swiped her fingers on the display and it zoomed into what looked like a map of Hell's Kitchen, three gleaming yellow blots were scattered in different areas of the screen.

"What am I looking at?" Daisy sat up attentively. Jemma turned to her and held the vial in front of her, it was visibly clear but she held it like Daisy was supposed to be impressed. Daisy lifted an eyebrow, shaking her head up and down in a sarcastic nod.

"Yes, Jemma I am shocked by your air collection!" Jemma tilted her head to the side, moving towards the table she rolled her eyes with a pitiful smile.

"Ok, it may not look like much but it has a huge part to play in this map" She gestured to the computer "What I did was I took the, well, basically what was on the jacket and ran it through our database looking for places in Hell's Kitchen with a medium to high particle density of those certain things"

"-Such as the sulfur and gasoline that the coat shred seemed to be dipped in"

Jemma nodded her head

"Well, Yes"

Daisy's eyes lit up, This wasn't over yet.

Macks' voice echoed into the room as he walked around the corner, slightly covered in grease and holding a wrench and a pair of rusted keys.

"You asked for the bike to be fixed and it got fixed" Just in time.

"Great!" Daisy jumped up and rushed out of the room, grabbing the chain on the way out.

"Thanks Mack"

"Yeah no problem.."

"Thanks, Jemma for helping me on my secret mission and telling me where to get our criminal! No problem Daisy! My pleasure!" Jemma mumbled sarcastically. She returned back to analyzing other samples of rocks they found.

Daisy rushed around the bend and down to the hanger of the Zephyr One juggling the keys in her hands. The plane was landed by the outskirts of the city, quite the drive away from the suspected areas, but that wasn't really the reason she was so keen on getting into town.

She didn't have anything against this vigilante. If anything she might have felt a little sorry that he ended up this way, trying to do good but walked down the wrong path, maybe she wanted to help him, just to try to show him the right way to go. Of course what he was doing was wrong and Daisy knew that. But this gnawing at the back of her skull told her it was something else that drew her to the dark alleys of the city, something to do with that scared little boy from the neighborhood of Hell's Kitchen. But no it wasn't, It couldn't be.

She never saw him or heard him, really. She didn't even know if that blind guy was Matthew Murdock, there was probably more than one blind lawyer in New York. Ok, Daisy knew she was just trying to convince herself that it wasn't him, that feeling in her stomach when they first pulled up that map, the odd recognition was just too obvious. She realized she was gripping her fists so tight that her nails her nails were cutting into the fabric of the gauntlet, if it weren't for the coarse fibers it might have torn. She rubbed the cool metal of the key against her thumb, feeling the ridges on the side. Her gaze traveled from the floor to area surrounding her. The garage was small, it actually wasn't even a garage, it wasn't very big and definitely not as big as the Buses holding area. Leaning against the wall was a rusted, old cruiser with tearing crimson handles.

"Thanks Mack" Daisy grumbled. Where did he even get this? Either way, whether she liked it or not, if she wanted to leave then this would be her only option. She should have known he wouldn't have lent her his favorite bikes. She put one sturdy hand on the handle, loosening her grip right after realizing that it might fall off. The key was rusted and didn't slip easily into the opening, she had to shove the key to the side to finally hear the engine roar to life. The bike started vibrating smoothly to the rhythm of the black fumes leaving exhaust pipe, staining the air around it. Daisy scrunched her nose at the thick smell of gasoline that protruded the air, creating a thick smog. Fun. She gently placed her thigh over the bike, not wanting to have to call Mack back to fix it. Once she figured she was relatively safely sat down she punched the flashing red button on the upper side of the wall, the ground shook slightly as the bellow of the garage door opening reverberated through the walls. She pulled the handle down and the bike rumbled forward into the night.

The raw night air was jagged as it cut at her skin and threw her hair to the side. She breathed in the fresh, crisp night. It cleared out her lungs of the filtered air she'd been breathing for the past four hours. The road was beaten down and basically a pile of smoothed rocks set up into a path. The faint glow of the headlight gave off enough light to stop Daisy from running into anything but it was mostly the sickening yellow lights of the city that illuminated the way. The roads were lined with everything from small broken down shacks to large, sky-high office towers, the streets would look virtually empty- to the innocent onlooker. But Daisy could see the dark shadows that loomed in the somber shadows of back alleys, the menacing eyes that followed her as her bike zoomed down the lane, the maliciousness of the upcoming city trickled into the air giving the atmosphere a chilling frigidness.

Well here goes nothing.

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