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She was right, it was Matt, and she hated it with a passion. Why was he here? Why was he doing this? The whole thing was so confusing. She did have to admit, though, she hadn't really interacted with anyone from when she was younger. Sometimes she feels like she was in a different universe back then, and the second agents plucked her off the street she was dropped into a new universe with new people, places,- powers. It was weird to know there was a bridge between the before and after. The curiosity was only the sharp edge to the dull knife that was her anger. He ended up like this and now SHE was going to have to deal with it.

And a Devil Costume? 

All Daisy could think of was how he was there in the orphanage, always quiet but intimidating. She hadn't known anyone from there, but she knew him. Memories of the place started phasing into focus, specifically ones of Matt. He always carried around this intensity, but he was still nice to her. Daisy couldn't say the same for herself, especially initially. Distant memories of yelling came to mind, but she didn't remember retaliation or yelling in return. Despite that, Matt was always the first in a fight.

Daisy hadn't thought about the orphanage in so long, the memories were fuzzy, like dust gathered on old picturebooks. She had left that life behind so long ago. But thinking about it now, she could see how he turned to vigilantism. His father was murdered and from her perspective, he wasn't the most passive person to begin with. But then again how was she in any position to say that? They were both orphans. Yeah he got in fights, but Daisy changed her name more than the average person has AND both her parents were psychopaths. So she couldn't place any judgment on how his life turned out.

The rumble of the wheels brought Daisy out of her thoughts. She was sitting in the back of the loading dock, strapped into one of the seats lining the walls. Her eyes glazed over the ground, avoiding the corner where the containment pod was located. The glint of a cream sweater focused her attention. Jemma was walking toward her with a clipboard in hand.

"I have the samples, by the time the ICER and the sedative wears off I should have a report on his abilities, but from our current understanding he is actually blind" Jemma clicked her pen and looked from Daisy down to her notes "So, this leads us to believe that his abilities give him a hyper-awareness of some sort to compensate for his lack of sight" Hyper-Awareness?  Could he also be an inhuman like her? It was in these glimmers of hope for a similarity between his life and hers that she realized how much she wanted this familiarity. And maybe an indication she wasn't alone in the difficulties she faced. At the very least, if he did have powers, it wasn't foul play when she used hers against him.

"Is there something else, Daisy?" Daisy turned, realizing that she'd been starring.

"Uh no- nothing, and you didn't need to analyze him to find out he's blind- he's a blind lawyer" She murmured the last part, just verbalizing the connections materializing in her mind.

"Oh really, have you ran your search already?"  Jemma chirps. Search? Right, the search.

"Uh, Yes" Daisy averts her eyes, she felt that in being on the field, she had gotten a generalized understanding of what he was up to now, but she should probably complete a formalized investigation. It might be nice to see how someone else who started like her decided to do with life.

"Anything else I should know then? Well, you know what, just tell the team. I'll go ahead and someone to put him in the interrogation room." Jemma started turning to walk the other way.

Daisy stood from the chair. "Wait, the interrogation room? Wouldn't he be sent to the prison cell?" 

"Eh Nope" Jemma raised her eyebrow, "Coulson said the interrogation room if I'm not mistaken." She looked at Daisy for confirmation, and when she realized she wasn't going to get one she turned away. "Well let me know if learn any other interesting points, I'll have this report done soon." 

Daisy was left trying to understand what was so pressing for Coulson to put him in the interrogation room. Weren't they just trying to get a vigilante out of the streets? There was a bigger play here that she wasn't being made aware of.

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