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Shootshootshootshoot. Daisy rapidly taped her comms.

"Come in- Fitz- May- Coulson- Jemma- Is anyone on comms?" She was crouching behind a column in a storage facility keeping one hand on the comm and the other wrapped around her Icer.

She was heading towards the 2nd highlight on the map when the bike gave out under her, throwing her onto the street. Getting up, Daisy rolled the bike alongside her for a while until she realized that this entire trip might have been/was pointless. Daisy was about half a mile away from the location and it was late. She tried starting up the bike but in a couple of blasts of fumes and agitated sounds from the motor she confirmed that there was no way the bike was going to start, she was going to have to call in a pickup. Sighing, she lifted her hands to her ear tapping the comm. She was about to contact May when the slight twinkling on the building's horizon caught her eye, it was a cloudy night but she imagined that she might have seen the bright glimmer of Avengers Tower in the distance. Daisy was about to look away and call someone until what looked like a dark plume of (red-ish?) adumbration created a small silhouette in the otherwise luminous horizon. The dark figure was going for the vents on the upper side of the building and in a nimble twist made its way into the building. Sneaky.

Even if this wasn't the exact building, Daisy knew a crime when she saw one, especially when it crawls through a vent, of all things. Ditching the bike to the side of the road, Sorry, Mack! She jogged over to the building, it was an easy target, large vents, windows, e.t.c. But being a SHIELD agent with cool tech has its perks. She went around the side of the building where a small door only lit by the blue glow of the keypad stood, at that point, it was easy enough to get inside by using a decoder and a lockpick. Inside It was dark, almost pitch black. If there were windows they were completely covered. Is this were he entered?  She had no idea how anyone could have been able to see around this basement without turning on the lights, using a flashlight or something. Daisy debated using a phone light, she probably had some sort of flashlight on her. But if the break-and-enter guy was here, it wasn't worth alerting him to her presence. She put her hands on the walls, following them until she hit was she assumed was a door. She pushed it open and bright rays of moonlight met her. She squinted at the sudden brightness that shone on her face. When her eyes dilated, she saw the window the light shone in from at the top of a set of staircases. She made her way up, quickly skipping steps she arrived on what she assumed to be the second floor. This must be where he entered.

She tapped her comms, hoping someone was listening on the other side. "Guys I think I found the guy, sending coordinates now." Daisy briskly looked over at the other side of the office. There was a man standing in the corner of the room. He had a strong build that was accentuated by the sharp angles of the suit. He was wearing a dark red (devil?) costume- so either there was more than one devil-themed vigilante in Manhattan or their target got a costume upgrade. She all the sudden wasn't thinking about the broken down bike anymore or a casual B&E, instead, fully realizing she had run into their target. 

Just as she was about to move he side-stepped, ducking behind a huge pile of boxes. He knew she was there. Daisy would just have to keep him occupied until the team got there... but how? Daisy followed suit, stepping lightly until she was hidden behind a pillar. Ok, this is just a masked vigilante, and you are an actual agent- Just go and establish that- somehow. She took a deep breath in, holding her icer close she slowly stepped out. The office was covered in piles of papers leaning against desks with a few columns here and there, the only light being the few windows giving the office a yellow tint.

As she continued walking in slow steps to the side, she could see the obscure shape of a person appearing from behind the rectangular shadow. Holding out the icer she advanced forward, keeping both eyes on the shadow. It's now or never.

"Step out slowly with your hands where I can see them" 

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