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Glass shattered in front of her showering the window sill in fragments of tinted glass. Her hands rose to cover her and and she stepped back a little. He jumped out the window. Why would he have jumped out the window?

"He's out the window we need a ground team asap" She again said into the comms, imagining the team on the other side. Daisy ran to the new opening, looking out into the night. The ground below was sprinkled with shards of glass but the vigilante was nowhere to be seen. There was another building across the way but the jump was too far, especially from the second floor. She stepped back for a second until the sparkle of rusty metal caught her eye. It was a ladder. That jerk. He took the ladder.

"Nevermind about the ground team he's on the roof get there NOW" The comm buzzed back with the familiarly monotone voice of May. Finally, someone responds.

"Daisy make up your mind" Daisy could tell she said that through gritted teeth.

"Just get to the roof" Her hands drop from her ear to the window frame. She climbed onto the sill reaching out for the handlebar, the whirring of helicopter blades rang above her blowing gusts of dirt onto her face. The climb wasn't far, the office building was only three or four stories high. From there she get a view of the landscape- other than the connected building, which had already been secured from what she had seen, he was trapped. As she reached the top of the building, she saw the dark red figure outlined on the side of the stairwell's roof-access, a silver structure jutting out of the flat roof. Helicopters shone circles of spotlights illuminating the roof. She climbed over the ledge already starting a sprint toward him.

"HANDS UP THIS IS SHIELD" She yelled. The man in red froze in the spotlight like a deer in headlights. His body was plastered against the side of the small stairwell structure as if he would camouflage into the flat surface. Daisy quickly approached holding out the gun.

"Mind if I join the party?" May dropped down from the helicopter and pulled up behind her, brandishing another Icer. 

"Not at all" Daisy inched closer to him, grabbing a pair of cuffs that May handed to her. She reached out to cuff his hands, as she got closer she noticed his hands were stained with blood which looked strange against the dark red costume, why would he have blood on his hands?  She was about to grab his arm when he twisted. His leg shot up knocking the handcuffs out of her hands, sparks flew as they scattered onto the rough cement. This guy just won't give up. He swung at May who blocked the move and responded likewise. He was fast, well trained, she supposed. May threw a kick to his chest which he nearly avoided, he then punched almost hitting her square in the jaw. The forward momentum of the motion caused him to lose balance, making his head turn away from Daisy. She saw her opportunity- but just as she had thought of it, he somehow anticipated her entering the fight. He was already pushing toward her and swung his leg kicking Daisy's arm aside. She regained her form as May was picking up the fight again. May grabbed his fist just as he extended it pulling him forward, but he dragged his leg across the ground knocking her down. Right before he got his footing to run, in a moment of desperation, Daisy put her hand out, letting the vibrations drive him back into the wall. She looked up right after to see if the criminal had gotten up again; she was prepared for another fight, but to her surprise, he didn't get up. She was aware that using her powers wasn't the best form in a fight against a powerless civilian, so she only used them enough to try to get the upper hand- not enough to knock someone out. For a second she panicked- did she just hurt someone badly? If it was through fists then fine, but something about using the quake made her feel guilty, it wasn't fair for someone who couldn't defend equally. She inspected again, inching closer, the man was slouching against the wall in a defensive position, he held his hands tightly to his ears in a sort of shock. His head was twitching ever so slightly as if he was trying to see what was going on, as if he suddenly didn't understand where he was.

"Geez, Daisy how hard did you hit him?"

"Not... hard at all..." Did she really do this? She was fully ready to justify to herself how it was right to use her powers in a situation like this, just to make sure they were taking a criminal into custody. But seeing him, a pretty apt fighter, suddenly incapacitated? Not helpful for her guilt. Even so, It didn't change the fact that it didn't make sense. May raised her gun just as the containment pod hit the ground.

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