Valentine's Day Special

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Looking back on this time of year, you probably should have realized that Dick had liked you earlier. Each year for Valentine's Day, he always got you some chocolate and a gift. This year, he had promised you an extravagant display of his affection.

You woke up that morning with snow falling gently. You glanced at your phone. Nothing. Not even the good morning text you were used to seeing. Your mouth felt dry.

It's alright, he might have just slept in, you were pretty sure that he had patrol with Bruce the night before, so that would make sense. You trudged down the stairs, yawning.

"Good morning, Sweety," Your mom said, greeting you with a hug and a kiss. "Got any big plans for V-Day?"

You shook your head.

"Not really," You said gloomily, "I think we were going to plan something for after school, but I haven't heard anything from D since noon yesterday."

"Aw, honey," Your mom said, "I'm sorry. Your father and I have been together for ages and he always forgets."

You frowned.

"But D's never forgotten!" You said, "Every single year, he has always gotten me something. And he promised me something big today!"

You mother drew her eyebrows together.

"Do you have any gifts for him today?" She said. You nodded.

"Of course." You said. "They're in a bag upstairs. Anyways, mom. Where's Wally? He's normally up by now."

"You brother had to run to do something earlier this morning," She said, "Something about helping someone with something. He'll be back soon enough to take you to school."

You shrugged.

"Okay." You said. You felt a sinking feeling in your heart that you pushed aside.

Wally walked in a few minutes later.

"Hey, (Y/N)!" He said, jogging over to the kitchen table.

"Man, I am starved," He shoved a couple pieces of toast in his mouth and talked around them, "Had me working to the bone, that b-" He made eye contact with you and cut off.

"Uhhhhhhhhh, I mean," He stalled, "I was... Training with Uncle Barry! Yeah, he had me working so hard, and it was so early, we were running all over the place! Anyways, ready to go, (Y/N)?"

You rolled your eyes and adjusted your uniform. Wally was being Wally.


You walked into school that morning wrapped in jackets. The cold winter Gotham wind bit into your nose, and you shivered. Normally you'd have Dick to walk with, but he wasn't there, with no sign that he had been there in a while. You texted him for the third time this morning.

Coffee-holic: Hey, D, are you sick or something? I miss you :(

You scrolled back to read the previous messages.

February 13th, 11:59 am

    Bird Boy: What're we doing for lunch?

    Coffee-holic: Do you wnat to go to Big Belly Burger?

    Coffee-holic: **want

February 14th, 6:30 am

Coffee-holic: Happy Valentines Day, baby

February 14th, 7:30 am

    Coffee-holic: Wow, I guess you were pretty tired, huh? Text me when you wake up, okay?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2022 ⏰

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