Chapter 14: Rain

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A couple days later, you walked down the busy Gotham sidewalk in the evening, people running into you and almost knocking you over. The seasons were changing, bringing with it a drop in the temperature. A sharp wind cut through your jacket, but you were strangely toasty warm.

During the summer you were hotter than anyone else, so maybe you just had a really high body temperature?

You looked down, lost in thought. You bumped into a few people, not paying attention to where you were going. You got jostled into accidentally stepping out into traffic, and a biker came barreling towards you.

"Look out!" Someone yelled, and something forced you out of the way. You looked up to see Dick on top of you, having launched himself into you.

Your face flushed at the compromising position, making Dick's eyes widen. He hurriedly stood up. He held out his hand and helped you up.

"Uh, tha-thanks." You stuttered, gripping his hand. He grinned.

"(Y/N), you are the clumsiest person I know," He said. You rolled your eyes.

"Thanks for the compliment, D," You said sarcastically, "What're you doing downtown?"

"Oh god," He threw his head back and groaned, "Bruce sent me out to get something, and I forgot what it was, and now I'm scared to go back."

"Dick, what the heck?!" You laughed, "Well if you've got time to kill, Wally and I are going to dinner at McAffey's in Keystone. I'm sure he'd be okay if you came?" Dick nodded thoughtfully before pulling out his phone.


"Like I said, as long as you're paying," Wally said as the three of you were seated in a booth, with you across from the both of them. Dick laughed.

"I know Wally, don't worry." He said, "I'll be paying. You don't need to worry your pockets." You rolled your eyes and picked up a menu.

"Well, since you've got the bill," Wally smirked, "Maybe I should get the most expensive thing just to spite you!" You kicked his shin without looking up.

"Ow!" He yelped, "(Y/N), that hurt!"

"I have no idea what you're talking about," You lied. After a few seconds of silence, the waitress walked up. She had a cute face with minimal make-up, and curves that were making Wally drool. You rolled your eyes and kicked him again. He jumped and glared at you.

"Can I get you anything to drink?" She said, eyeing Dick. "We've got water, soda, lemonade?"

"Just water for me, thanks." You said, frowning. Dick's eyes were respectfully on the waitress' face as he ordered an iced tea.

"Oh baby, I'd just love a tall glass of yo—" Wally started, but Dick cut him off by elbowing him in the side. "Um. Just water for me." You smirked as the waitress nodded and left.

"You guys are harassing me!" He complained, and you laughed.

"Oh no, should we call Safe-To-Tell?" You joked.

"Yes!" Wally exclaimed, "This is elder abuse! I am better than both of you!"

"Oh really?" Dick leaned forwards, "I seem to recall beating your ass to a pulp last night." You snickered. You remembered that. An argument had started over whether pizza or hot-dogs were the best. Bets went around the team over who would win. Both you and Kaldur got a total of $20 from the fight.

"I- Gah!" Wally groaned, "Fine! Whatever!" He shoved his face into the menu, grumbling.

"So, (Y/N), what're you interested in?" Dick said. You hummed, running your finger along the pages.

Icarus ------- Dick Grayson x Wally's Sister!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now