Chapter 13: Humanity

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You ducked the punch Superboy threw at you. Hopping back a few steps, you tried to get out of range of his actions, but he lept at you, knocking you down. You groaned.

Connor lent you an outstretched hand with a smirk, and you took it gratefully.

"Good work everyone," Black Canary said, "In fact, it's been a very productive week."

"Yeah," You scoffed "For everyone except kid malingerer here,"

"Hey!" Wally exclaimed, "Unlike your ankle, my arm was actually broken, not just sprained!" You rolled your eyes. Black Canary chuckled.

"I've really enjoyed being your, ah, den mother this week," She said. Suddenly, the Zeta Tubes started up.

"Recognized, Zatara 11." The electronic voice announced, and Zatara walked into the room. He typed a few things onto his keyboard before the tube lit up again.

"Access granted," The computer said, "Zatanna, Zatara, A03, authorization, Zatara 11." A girl who looked a little bit older than you walked into the room.

"Zatanna, this the team," Zatara said, "Team, my daughter, Zatanna." M'gann smiled and floated over to her.

"Hi, I'm-" M'gann started, but Robin cut her off.

"Robin!" He coughed, "I mean, I'm Robin. She's Megan, and that's Wally, Icarus, Artemis, Kaldur, and Connor." A curdling feeling rose up in your gut at his excitement.

"Welcome to the cave," You said softly.

"Thanks," She replied just as softly.

"So, I- uh- a- are you joining the team?" Robin said. The feeling grew stronger. You took a deep breath and sighed.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves," Zatara said quickly, "This is strictly a visit. Though I am sorry we missed the training. It's something from which Zatanna could benefit." He turned to Black Canary.

'Do the rest of you get the impression we're still on probation with Zatara?' M'gann's eyebrows lowered and she turned to the rest of the team.

'Not just Zatara, I mean, why is Marvel still hanging around?' Connor gestured in the direction of the kitchen. Wally's mouth fell open,

'Uh, because we like having him around?' He smirked.

'You like having him around because he waits on you hand-and-foot,' You rolled your eyes.

'And your point is???' Wally raised his eyebrows.

'It almost makes one nostalgic for Red Tornado's tenure as our supervisor,' Kaldur crossed his arms.

'Yeah, at least he trusted us,' Robin looked towards the adults.

'If you ignore the fact that he was a traitor,' Connor threw up his arms, 'That machine almost got M- all of us killed!'

"Are you guys having a psychic conversation?" Zatanna cut in verbally, causing everyone to look at her, "Because I can't decide if that's cool? Or really rude." You looked over at the adults and sighed.

"Okay," You said, "We were talking about RT."

"It's been weeks since his attack, and the league hasn't told us anything!" Connor added emphatically. You saw Zatanna notice Wolf and walk over to him. You smiled and followed her. Wolf lifted his head and licked your face.

"The league is searching for Tornado," Black Canary said, "As well as the other androids that invaded the cave, and their creator, T.O. Morrow. Batman's made tracking them down our highest priority."

Icarus ------- Dick Grayson x Wally's Sister!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now