Chapter 16: Failsafe Part 2

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The doors exploded. Pieces of rubble flew everywhere. Kid Flash took a step towards the fighting, but you shoved him backwards and into the Zeta tube.

"He goes next!" Superboy said, helping a hurt soldier.

"Fine, but then you!" Aqualad said, "Icarus, why haven't you gone yet?!" You hid behind a piece of rubble.

"I'll go after Superboy!" You exclaimed. Aqualad nodded.

"Superboy, B-04." Superboy stalked through the tube.

"Icarus, go!" Aqualad shouted.

"But-!" You protested.

"GO!" He shouted. You gulped and ran through the tube.


"Our next mission is clear." Robin said, "If we believe the aliens have been teleporting their victims,"

"We do," Kid Flash put in.

"Then the only reasonable detention facility is here." Robin pulled up an image.

"The mothership." You said. Robin nodded.

"Ring any bells?" Robin asked.

"No, I'm sorry." Martian Manhunter said.

"Superboy, you'll create a distraction," Robin said.

"No!" Miss Martian exclaimed, "He's offering you as a sacrifice! Aqualad would never do that!"

"Your right." You said, "Aqualad would sacrifice himself. A mistake that just cost us our leader. Robin is the most experienced out of all of us, so we need to listen to what he has to say! We can't be bickering at a time like this!" Tears pricked the corners of your eyes. You scrubbed them hard.

"Icarus, I'm sorry." Miss Martian said.

"Superboy is the most likely to be perceived as a threat, motivating the aliens to deploy," Robin said.

"Worst case, he's teleported inside, and we save him with along with Artemis. And Aqualad and everyone!" Kid Flash said.

Miss Martian nodded.

"Alright, motivational speech time." You rubbed your hands together and pulled up a screen. "Everyone ready?" The team nodded.

"People of earth." You said. "We are part of the Justice League. We understand that everything has been happening so fast, and it's terrifying. But we will be there."

"And although we know all seems lost," Miss Martian said, "The one thing aliens cannot destroy is hope."

"Hope survives because the battle is not over," Superboy said, "Not as long as even one of us is willing to fight."

"It doesn't matter how many fall," Kid Flash added. "Because new heroes will always rise to join the fight. Bringing all their resources, their skills, their talents, to bear and defeat the enemy."

"The people of earth will survive this," Robin said, "We will rebuild, and we will thrive. Never doubt, and never forget."

"The earth will never surrender!" You placed a hand on Robin's shoulder and closed the screen. You sighed.

"I thought I was supposed to say that?" Robin said. You shrugged.

"Sorry." You said, "I guess I just got excited." He rolled his eyes.

"Here." He said, holding out a belt of—

"Are those bombs?!" You exclaimed. He sighed.

"Yes." He said, "Just trust me, alright? You and KF are the ones I trust most right now, and if I gave these to him, I think he would probably end up exploding everyone." You nodded.

Icarus ------- Dick Grayson x Wally's Sister!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now