Chapter 18: The Fundamental Truths of Being Strong and Hidden Words

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"What happened in there?" Batman asked.

"The exercise..." Martian Manhunter replied, "It all went wrong,"

"Exercise?" Robin asked. Tears ran down his face in a constant stream. He made no move to stop them.

"Try to remember," Batman said, "What you experienced was a training exercise. Manhunter psychically linked the seven of you within an artificial reality. You all knew this going in. What you didn't know was that it was a train for failure exercise. No matter what the team accomplished, the scenario was designed to grow worse. Still, you were aware nothing was real. Including the deaths of the entire justice league."

"That is why you hardly grieved, even when Wolf was disintegrated before your very eyes," Manhunter said. "But all that changed when Artemis died. Though consciously Miss Martian knew it was not real, her subconscious mind could not make that distinction. She forgot it was only an exercise. And her subconscious took control, making all of you forget too."


"Why didn't you tell me, (Y/N)?" Robin said, taking off his sunglasses to look you in the eyes. You sighed and took off your own glasses.

"I didn't want you to freak out, Dick." You look down. "I'm sorry. You've been so open to me about everything, and I've been hiding... This!" You let fire run over your fingers. You watched it for a few seconds before dousing the flames.

"I'm sorry..." You whispered.


Everyone stood silently around the living area, with Kaldur and M'gann in the kitchen, Conner watching static on the TV, Wally against the breakfast bar, Artemis near him, and you and Robin on the couch. His arm was wrapped around your shoulder, and you were curled into his side.

You looked around at everyone and frowned. They all looked so gloomy, and you didn't like it. Not that you didn't feel any better yourself, but they didn't need to know that.

You disentangled yourself from Robin's arms, making him protest softly.

"What're you doing?" He said.

"You'll see," You said, "Hey team! I've got an idea."

They looked towards you.

"Why don't we have a sleepover?" You suggested. "I'm sure none of us want to be alone, after... what happened today."

M'gann nodded, hugging her arms.

"I'm game," Artemis said. She shrugged.

The other members nodded.

"So, did everyone eat lunch?" You asked, trying to lighten the mood. "I, for one, am starving. I know for certain that Wally will be hungry as well. What do you say about helping me make some food, M'gann? I'm sure you're the best cook in here." You walked into the kitchen.


"Listen, M'gann." You said after a few minutes of cutting up lettuce. "None of us blame you. It's not your fault. Okay?" M'gann turned to you with tears in her eyes.

"But it is my fault! I took over the exercise, I could have stopped it all!" She said. You pulled her into a hug.

"Even so, it's..." You struggled for the right words, "It's a learning experience. We're all okay."

She cried into your shirt for a few moments, before gathering up her courage.

"Alright." She said. You smiled softly and nodded.

Icarus ------- Dick Grayson x Wally's Sister!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now