Chapter 10: Meetings and Revelation

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"(Y/N). Heeeeyyyyyy (Y/N)." Wally said.

"What do you want?" You groaned. He smirked.

"Ya know, I wasn't joking about you seeing the team." He said. You groaned again, louder this time.

"No. No fucking way." You said, slamming your head against your desk, "Wally, we literally have a mind reader on our team. You really think she's not going to notice who I am?" He shrugged.

"I could ask her not to. Plus, you'll get the opportunity to be with Dick~" You squinted, skeptical.

"I'll think about it..." You said after a moment of thought. Wally pumped his fist.

"Great! We'll go in a couple hours." He said before walking out the door.

"That doesn't mean yes!" You called after him, scowling.


Several hours, against your wishes, you were standing in front of the zeta transport in Keystone.

"Do we really have to do this?" You whined, placing your hands on your hips. A slight breeze blew down the alleyway, and you shivered in your crop top sweater.

"Yes, now come on!" Wally said, "They don't know you're coming, so it'll be a surprise to Dick. God, you two are so sappy sometimes..." He muttered the last sentence.

"What?" You asked.

"Nothing!" He nearly shouted. You rolled your eyes.


"Recognized: Kid Flash B02. Recognized: Y/N G11." You stepped into the common room of the cave, greeted by the gazes of several team members, all in civilian clothing.

"Guys, this is the one and only-"

"(Y/N)?" Robin cut Wally off, "What're you doing here?"

You shrugged.

"This idiot invited me. Wouldn't take no for an answer. I've still got that math homework to do." Robin winced sympathetically.

"The trig stuff from Mr. Bets?"

"Bingo." You said unenthusiastically. You looked at the team, and put on a smile and prepared to lie hardcore. "You guys must be Wally and Robin's teammates. I'm (Y/N), Wally's younger sister."

"Well met, (Y/N). I am Aqualad." Kaldur walked up and extended his hand. "But you may call me Kaldur." You grinned and shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you!" You said cheerfully. Wolf padded up to you and sniffed you up and down before licking your face. Damnit, Wolf! Don't give me away!

"This is Superboy or Conner Kent, and Miss Martian or M'gann," Kaldur said, gesturing to each of them. They waved, and you waved back. You smirked as you saw a blonde ponytail peeking over the back of the couch. You smirked, knowing who it was. You walked around and looked at Artemis hiding.

"Crock-Pot?" You smugly called her by the nickname you had given her at school as she looked up.

"Oh, h-hey, (Y/N)! Fancy seeing you here!" She stuttered and grinned sheepishly.

You suddenly remembered the photo Dick had taken of the three of you. Your gaze flicked from Artemis to Robin and back again.

"Ooohhhhh." You said, smirking. "That's what the picture was for, Rob." His eyes widened when he realized what you were talking about.

Icarus ------- Dick Grayson x Wally's Sister!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now