Chapter 12: Doubts

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Dick gently shook you awake.

"(Y/N), wake up," He said. You groaned and rolled away from him. He laughed.

"C'mon, you gotta get up, dinner's ready." He said. You frowned.

"Don't wanna," You grumbled. Dick rolled his eyes.

"Fine, do what you want," He said and walked to the door, "But you're gonna miss Alfred's spaghetti!" You sat up with a start.

"Spaghetti?!" You exclaimed and Dick nodded. You got up in a flash, grabbing the crutches and hobbling after Dick. "C'mon, you dumb-dumb, wait for me!" You said as you struggled going down the stairs as fast as possible. In your hurry, you missed a step and fell forward. You closed your eyes and braced for the impact.

It never came.

You looked up at Dick grinning down at you. He had caught you.

"You know, you are really the clumsiest person I know." He said. You stuck your tongue out at him, making him chuckle.

"I appreciate you catching me, dear, but could you please put me down?" You said snidely, "I really want that spaghetti." He laughed, set you down, and handed you the crutches. You sped down the hallway to the dining room and sat down at the table, with Bruce, who was at the head of the table, to your right. Dick sat down across from you, Bruce to his left.

Alfred put plates of spaghetti down on the table, and you thanked him before digging in hungrily. You looked up after stuffing your face to see Dick looking at you strangely.

"What?!" You said after you swallowed, "I lose a lot of much-needed food-energy when I-" Bruce cut you off with a raised eyebrow.

"When I, uh, run. I ran. A lot. Today." You said choppily. Dick raised his eyebrows. You wanted to drown yourself in pasta.

Tension wavered in the air.

Bruce cut through it by saying, "(Y/N), I need you down in the cave once you're done eating." You groaned and rolled your eyes.

"Fine," You grumbled, looked around, and resumed eating like a starved animal.

Dick watched you, his mind whirling.

What were you going to say?

Why did Bruce need you in the cave?

What was going on with you that he didn't know?

He shook his head to clear his thoughts after deciding to follow you into the cave.

You stopped eating again when you realized that both Dick and Bruce were staring at you strangely.

"What?" You said with your mouth full, only it sounded more like 'wht'. Dick burst out laughing. You glared at him and swallowed.

"Oi!" You picked up your fork and flung a wad of spaghetti at him. His laughter abruptly cut off as it hit him in the forehead.

"You little fucker!" He shouted. You cackled.

"Language, Dick," Bruce said calmly.

"Oh, it's payback time," Dick said evilly. He smirked and flung a portion of his own spaghetti at you. It landed on your chest and you glared, offended.

"It's on." You growled. You flung spaghetti back. It hit his stomach.

Fling. Face.

Fling. Arm.

Fling... Smack.

All movement ceased as the spaghetti slowly fell from the side of Bruce's face.

Icarus ------- Dick Grayson x Wally's Sister!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now