Chapter 3: Down Time

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"Take a Zeta-Tube to Gotham City immediately." Batman said, "And rendezvous with Robin at these coordinates. Artemis, Green Arrow needs you in Star City." It was then that you noticed that both he and Robin were covered in muck.

"What is the mission?" Kaldur asked.

"There's a creature loose in my city." He responded.

"If it's your city, why are we hunting it?" Superboy said.

"You are not to hunt it or engage. Track it until I return with the solution." Batman said.

Aqualad nodded and ordered the team to move out.


The team was walking around the sewers of Gotham City, looking for the monster. Nothing had happened so far. Robin had cleaned off and sped up to walk beside you.

"So, uh, Icarus. Why'd you choose that name?" He asked. You looked up at him, realizing, not for the first time, that he was a couple inches taller than you. You shrugged.

"I don't know. I'm just really into Greek myths, and when my bro-" You coughed, "When Batman told me I needed a hero name, I was in the middle of a story about Daedalus, and it was the first thing I thought of. It's just, fire, melting wax, I don't know."

"Hm," Robin responded. "Kinda boring." You raised an eyebrow.

"Oh yeah?" You said. "What about you? Why'd you choose Robin?" He sighed.

"It was my parent's nickname for me. My mom said I looked like a bird when we did our trapeze acts, and it stuck. Just... Sentimentality I guess." Robin said. You laughed.

"Dang, that just makes mine seem dumb." He smiled.

The way Robin acted in public was way different from the way Dick Grayson acted in public. It was a nice change. Wally gave Robin a sideways glare, and you flipped him off. He looked offended. You chuckled.

Aqualad cleared his throat. "Icarus, I think you might have a slight advantage in this fight, with your fire. It will harden his clay." He said, "This will also be a good opportunity for you to show us the range of your powers." You nodded.

You walked through the sewer with your hands in your pockets. Your eyes flicked around, looking for any movement, ears trained for the slightest sound. Aqualad cried out and you whirled around, only to have the wind knocked out of you as you were flung against a wall. Clayface had found you. You coughed and stood up, raising your fists and letting flames cover them.

"Oh, so the girl knows how to play with fire," Clayface said. His voice sounded graveling yet greasy at the same time, like a deep-voiced car salesman. "But your little tricks won't work on me." He raised his arm, and it shot forward, the liquid streaming towards you. You countered with several shots of fire, and several parts of the liquid dried up, only to be quickly replaced with new material.

You let the fire ripple across your body. "Come at me, you glorified Smooze ripoff!" Clayface growled and turned his hand into a mace, swinging it as he walked forward menacingly. You gulped and narrowly avoided getting crushed. You shot a few blasts of fire but got pinned against the wall with a shot of goo. The flames didn't help, it only made moving harder.

The villain stalked towards you. A few of Robin's devices exploded in Clayface's face, causing him to stagger backward. Robin flipped off of the ceiling and started chipping away at the dried goo that encased your arm. You shot a few fire shots at Clayface with your, only slowing it temporarily. Wally sped through but got his fist stuck in trying to punch it.

Icarus ------- Dick Grayson x Wally's Sister!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now