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You can choose to believe them, Alix, but remember...they might not be telling you the truth.

They're selfish human beings that only want to return to the year they were in. They don't care about your parents and would tell you anything to get you to trust them.

Alix, they're not trying to help you. In fact what they're trying to do here is blame you for going back in time like this.

Like I said I'm not going to force you to he on my team, and actually save your parents. But choose wisely!!

Alix:s head hurt. She had two choice, which she really wasn't sure of. Each of them seemed bad. Whatever she did, there was a bad thing that was going to happen...wasn't there?

She looked from Alya to Marinette, then back at the ground. She would have believed them, went with them without hesitation, but this were her parents she was talking about.

If she went with the girls, what if they were wrong and her parents didn't come with her safe.

If she went with Hawk Moth, what if the girls were right and they wouldn't be able to return after.

One mistake could ruin Paris! And it was all up to her to choose.

"Alix let's introduce you to Master Fu," Marinette spoke, breaking the upsetting silence with a small smile. "Maybe he can help."

Alix didn't hesitate to follow them to Master Fu. If this Master Fu could really help her, then she was going with him. She was going to get more informations, and then finally choose.

Hopefully it will be easy.


"They're not here!" Adrien turned to Plagg with a questioning look.

"Oh, maybe they moved on. Come on, let's go see Master Fu," Plagg shrugged, not feeling the slightest guilty for leading Adrien to the wrong place.

Adrien sighed and followed him. They had been walking for about 15 minutes to reach here, which seemed like hours, and now they were taking more walks.

"Maybe I should have gotten Gorilla to drive us?" Adrien dragged his feet along.

"No, that wouldn't he a good idea," Plagg replied. "Follow me kid, and don't complain."

"You used to complain a lat for cheese though," Adrien said, kinds missing the moments, even if it got him annoyed.

"I do bother my owner for cheese."

I meant me... Not him...

"Right." Adrien speak again until they reached there. Plagg was right though. Marinette and Alya were at Master Fu's lair. And another girl.

"Alix?!" Adrien was surprised. They had found her, gotten her over here. Did that mean they were finally going back?

"Alix agreed to come to Master Fu," Alya explained. "Let's just hope she agrees with all of us to go back."

"What do you mean by that?" Adrien frowned. Alix was going to say yes...right?

Alya didn't answer as they turned back to Alix. She was sitting down on the floor, fiddling with her fingers.

"So Alix..." Master Fu turned to her. "How have you been?"

Remember Alix... Whatever you do or say, do not tell them where you've been. Do not tell them it was me!

I think it's already too late for that. Marinette and Alya are smart, and might have already figured out it was you.

"Not well," Alix finally opened her mouth and answered.

"Alix, I promise you, we're the good guys," Master Fu smiled. "I know it may be hard for you, but you know Marinette and Alya would never lie to you."

Alix nodded, not sure, but nodded anyway. So what about my parents. I don't care about who's right or not. I just want to be normal again.

This wouldn't have happened if that Chloe hasn't pissed me off. I wouldn't have been angry then, I wouldn't have accepted to being akumatized again.

But I regret all of it. Maybe I should have stayed calm, and just taken the test again. Maybe I shouldn't have let my anger get the better of me.

But no! It was that Chloe!!

"Alix, listen up..."

Alix looked up. "I'm listening..."

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