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Alix walked around at where she was. She didn't know where she was, but one thing for sure, she was being locked up.

She remembered everything that had happened. Chloe hiding her test, her getting angry and akumatized. She remembered fighting off two Ladybugs and two Cat Noirs. She even remembered freezing two of the superheroes.

She remembered everything single details that had happened. How she tried going back in time to get more TimeBreaker helpers, but failed.

All she didn't remember was... How she got here...

What had went wrong? Why didn't going back I time like I had expected worked? How could I have done this? Are Marinette and the others in the same situation as me? Or are they living the perfect life without me?

Or am I there? Is a fake me there, filling in for me while the real me is here, suffering? Is that how the others don't know I'm here? Is that how no one has come to save me yet? Or asked about me?

Am I being forgotten?...

She had tried asking whoever had kidnapped her what had happened. The person wouldn't answer. Instead he would say, "it was all your fault. You failed me."

It was no doubt Hawk Moth. She knew it was Hawk Moth who was talking to her, who had kidnapped her and put her in this awful place that she didn't know of.

The place was huge. Water was beneath her, her tiny shoes getting soaked, but that was the least she cared about. Every now and then, water drops would come from the ceiling and land on her head.

She didn't know how long she had been in here for. When she had opened her eyes, and woken up, she was in this dark place, and she hadn't know what the time was. Hawk Moth wasn't helping either, for all the only words he said to her had been about the whole situation being her fault.

How did he kidnap me? How did he get me here? How did I get here?

She would ask herself these questions, and tried to see if she could remember any other important things that had happened.

No, she couldn't. It was after she had tried to go back in time, that she ended up here.

Please someone save me. Help me. I'm scared. I don't know what to do.

She had go back in time successful, but it was too successful, as she had went way back in time than she had expected to.

Finally when she did ask Hawk Moth why she was here, he gave her an answer that made sense.

"When you tried to go back in time, there was a high possibility that I was not going to be Hawk Moth. I started being Hawk Moth when my wife died, and right now, my wife has only been dead for above the two months.

"If you had went back way back in time, I would not be the person I am today."

"But if I went way back in time when you weren't Hawk Moth, then your wife wouldn't be dead," Alix yelled out. "And you wouldn't try so hard to get miraculous anymore."

She didn't know is what she had just said, but she knew she was right anyway. "If your wife wasn't dead, then you would do everything you could to protect her. So she wouldn't die."

"Hawk Moth, I know you're doing this because of Emilia Agreste. I don't know is how I know, but I know. If she was alive, you would turn live the perfect life with your family."

What am I saying though? I don't want to repeat my life again. But... If we all repeat our lives, and if Emilia really comes back to live when going back in time, then the future will change. There will be no more Ladybug, Cat Noir, the other superheroes. There won't be any villain to turn others into villains due to their negative feelings.

I don't know if this is a bad thing or not...

There was a long silence as Alix waited for him to say something. She could tell he was going over the words she had just said. She didn't know if she had hurt his feelings, but she didn't care.


Alix looked up, even though there was no way she could see Hawk Moth. If fact, she wondered how she was able to hear him, and him be able to hear her. She wasn't akumatized, so how?

She waited for him to continue and say what he was going to say. And when he finally did, she didn't know the answer to it.

"Is it possible for you to be TimeBreaker again?"


I don't know how old Adrien was when his mother died, so I just made it up.

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