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Y/N's POV:

I was on my laptop relaxing in the living room "These shows are absolute shit" Alex comments causing me to look up at the TV screen then over to him "Can you put on iCarly?" He asked "As you wish" I say grabbing the remote and changing the channel.

"Heyy get off that" He said motioning to my laptop "I'll watch it with you later" I say while waving a hand off to him "But this is our show! Plus, later your going to complain how I watched episodes without you" he said as I continue on.

"What's more important than fucking iCarly" He said floating over to me and I quickly press the buy button before he could see the screen. "What?" He questioned as he tried to look at the screen but I move the laptop away. He stops and stares at me with raised brows. "Wait" He let out a dramatic gasp.

"Were you watching inappropriate anime?" He questioned having a hand over his mouth and I burst out laughing. "No! But guess again" I say smiling that's when the iCarly theme song starts playing in the background and we quickly turn our gaze  to the TV.

"I KNOW, YOU SEE" Alex sings "SOMEHOW THE WORLD WILL CHANGE FOR ME AND" I jump up "BE SO WONDERFUL" We both sing and I grab the TV remote using it as a microphone as we sang the whole song at the top of our lungs.

Once the song finished I sit on the couch with a satisfied smile. "That was epic" Alex let out smiling over at me "Extremely" I say letting out a small laugh. "Wait, what the hell were you looking at on your laptop?" He asked now going over to it and as quick as the fucking flash I leap over and close it.

"Guess" I say sitting up "Fuck, I don't know" He said and I stare at him "Tell meee" Thats when I feel something cold wrap around me and see that Alex was hugging me. I shake my head I "Come on Y/N" He said and I only felt coldness on my shoulder and stare at Alex.

He stares into my eyes searching and poking and just trying to get me to answer. I close my eyes shut as a smile spreads across my face "Ugh! Fine!" I give in.

How could I say no when he's looking at me like that?!

"I got the plane ticket! There happy?" I say and he stares at me and I feel the coldness leave my shoulders "We're going to Mexico!" I say excitedly and he floats back. I get up and do what he did when he celebrated which was a dab (Alex's way of dabbing of course)

I cringe as soon as I do the action and so does Alex "I'll just go in the oven now" I say about to leave until Alex lets out "I JUST NEED TO FUCKING PROCESS THIS SHIT. ALSO THAT'S CRINGY AS FUCK BUT WE GOING TO MEXICO! THIS IS EPIC!" He said dabbing and I stare at him.

"It's only cool when I do it" He explained. I just nod and give him a thumbs up "Wait when are we going?" He asked "In three weeks, cause next week I have this party to attend for work" I say shrugging. "Oh yeah, the New Year's party, right. Didn't you say you had to dress formal and shit like that?" he questioned.

My boss wanted to go all out this year, and Nia was one who gave him the idea of throwing a masquerade party. I was going to pass but Nia had convinced me to go since, this is my first year here, it would also be a great opportunity to get to know my co-workers, and most importantly...There's free food. 

"Damn, I still need to get my dress!" I rush over to my room  "It be like that sometimes" Alex comments with a nod. "I'm going to get it now actually" I say slipping on my shoes. I saw no point in changing since I was already in comfy clothes. "Oh! Can I go too?" He asked as we go to the kitchen and I snatch my purse which was on the counter and rummage around to make sure I had everything.

"Nope, you gotta see here just in case Grace stops by" I say going over to the front door. We had seen Grace at the bus top this morning saw and it seemed like she was waiting for us. When I got off work Alex told me he showed Grace where we lived just in case she ever needed someone to talk to or hang out with.

"Ughhh fineee" He let out a dramatic sigh "I'll leave the TV on for you. See you later" I wave as I open the door and he waves back "Bye Habibi!" He shouts as he floats back to the living room. I close the door and lock it, making my way to the sidewalk. I already had some shops in mind to where I could find a potential dress.

Old Word Count: 577
New Word Count: 876

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