Part 23

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If you haven't re-read the story I highly recommend since I added a ton of new stuff. ANYWAYS it's been awhile enjoy~

Y/N's POV:

I just saw brightness...

Alex opened the fucking blinds....

A groan escapes my lips from being woken up "Morning sleeping beauty" I hear Alex's voice which is honestly the last thing I wanted to hear. "You opened the blinds..." I whine opening my eyes slightly to see his figure at the doorway before closing them back up.

"I made breakfast and wanted you to eat it before it got cold" He said softly and I could feel the bed dip a bit signaling he was now sitting on it "You know, I really wanted to be mad at you...But since it's because of food I'll forgive you" I say opening my eyes and sitting up. I stare at Alex who was sat beside me with a steaming mug on his hand.

He smiles softly and leans in, placing a kiss on my forehead causuing a smile to spread across my face. "Here, I'll bring the breakfast over" He said about to get up but I shake my head and he stares down at me confused "As tempting as breakfast in bed sounds...I really need to get up" I say pulling the covers off me.

"Whatever you wanna do Habibi" He said sipping on his drink then spitting back in the mug right after causing me to cringe as he let out a small scream "Shit, it's still fucking hot" He let out wiping his mouth and I just laugh watching my dork of a husband burn his tongue. "Oh right, before I forget to remind you, don't forger about the check up today." He said wiping his mouth.

"A check up, today?" I question confused but then it hits me as I remember "OOH right, with the doctor" I say getting up and staring down at my small bump. "Gotta check on how you and the baby are doing" He said as I place my hands on my stomach rubbing it lightly.

I've been pregnant for three months now, and a bump was appearing. Which is honestly kinda freaking me out, cause it really starts to kick that I'm carrying a human being. No, scratch that, it really starts to kick in when you go to your first altar sound. Hearing the babies heart beat for the first time...I can't even describe the emotions me and Alex were feeling.

Alex sets his mug down on the desk and goes in front of me. I look up at him and smile as he leans down and cups my stomach with his hands "Sorry kiddo" He whispered placing a kiss "Almost forgot...Morning to you too" He held a soft gaze and smile. He then stands up and stares down at me "Let's go eat and then you can get ready for the day after" He said kissing my lips "I'm craving cereal..." I mumble.

"I'll put some cereal on top of your pancakes/Or/waffles." Alex said laughing lightly as we head out the room "You truly are epic" I say and he gives me the most cockiest smile to ever exist which makes me shove him lightly. He smiles and puts his hand on my waist pulling me close and placing a quick kiss on my cheek as we head to the kitchen.


All the check ups were done for today. We were just waiting for Dr. Joseph to show up in her office with the results on how the baby is doing. "Do you want to get the crib today?" I ask Alex "We still need to clean out the office though." He said staring down at our hands as he played with my ring.

As you can probably tell, we're planning to make the office into the nursery. "Getting a crib would be good to take off our list though" I say tugging on his arm with a smile. He moves his hand away and looks away letting out a sigh "Aleeex?" I let out "Geez, what's the point of having a kid when I already married one" He joked.

"Aye, you're making it sound like you don't want our child" I say crossing my arms "I was joking! Why would you say that? Im already so in love with the kid and I haven't even properly met them yet" He said which makes me smile softly and I lean my head on his shoulder "I was joking" I mumble unfolding my arms.

I already fully award how much this child means for the both of us. "You...You wanna look at cribs after this?" I hear Alex say causing me to look up at him meeting his gaze.


I smile and nod my head. We now sat in comfortable silence until Alex started a new conversation "Hey, what if they have the gender of the baby already. Would you want to know or wait?" I stare at the doctor's desk about to open my mouth to answer his question but before I could we hear the door open and I sit up straight. I turn my head and see Dr. Joseph enter the room closing the door behind her.

"Mr. and Mrs. (Alex's unknown last name lol)" She takes time to shake both of our hands before taking a seat at her desk "Good afternoon" She says calmly as I take Alex's hand a small smile spreading across my face "Good afternoon" We both say back.

She holds a stack of folders in her hands and places them down. "How was your day?" She asked "Well, it was well. We we're actually just talking about getting a crib after this" I say looking over at Alex then back at the doctor. She smiles softly before it goes away a second later.

I feel Alex's hand squeeze mine "Can we...ugh...Can we please skip the small talk. It's only making me more nervous then I already am" Alex said which causes me to worry A bir. She looks down at the files not meeting our gaze as she nods softly. My smile fades as I give her a confused expression "Is there something wrong?" I could feel my heart rate start to rise as I squeeze Alex's hand. She finally meets my gaze and folds her hands together.

She takes a deep breath "I'm really sorry but, while looking at the results...." I look over at Alex to see his concerned expression and look back at the doctor with furrowed brows. She then opens one of the other folders "We missed something" My heart drops.

Missed something...?

"I don't know how we missed it, but we did, and I just have to apologize-" Alex stops her "Please, just tell us" He said seriously but I can hear the shakiness in his voice "You two won't be having-" My body began to shake as my grip on Alex's hand tightens. I already feel the tears forming in my eyes.

"Just one baby" She finished and I stare at her blankly "Y/N, you're pregnant with twins..." She explained. Me and Alex froze as we stare at her, we were both thinking of the worst possible outcome....Not having a baby....A sigh of relief escapes my mouth knowing our baby was okay. Then the pure shock kicked in...

Not only am I having one baby....

But two....

"Holy shit...." Me and Alex both let out before turning to look at each other.

We're having twins....

Word Count: 1273

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