Chapter Twenty-Six

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Autumn's POV

I went home and immediately gathered Mom, Aunt Karen, Jess and Bianca in the dining room.

"What's happening here?" My mom laughed.

"Well, as you all should know, Nathan, Tom, Siva, Max, Jay, Uncle Harry, Aunt Karen and Jess only have one more week with us." I said. "So, I had an idea that all of us, everyone in the house, have a full day together. And we are going to plan it. Now, any ideas?"

"How about an amusement park?" Jess suggested.

"That's a good idea." Aunt Karen said.

"Okay. I'll write that down." I said as I jotted it onto my notepad.

"How about for lunch, we can have a giant picnic?" Mom suggested.

As we continued thinking, I wrote every idea down. Soon enough, we had the day planned and ready.

"Okay, well it's one-thirty right now. So, how about we make some food for our picnic tomorrow?" My mom's asked.

We all agreed and worked in the kitchen.


By the time we were done making foods, it's was only about four o'clock.

Bianca, Jess and I all went to Jess's room and did whatever to keep us busy until Aunt Karen and Mom were done making dinner.


(Next Day)

Mom, Bianca and I all set our alarms early so we could make breakfast together.

We got to the kitchen and we started right away.

We made eggs, pancakes, bacon, sausage, toast and fruit.

Soon, everyone was at the table and we were all eating together.

"So, are you boys ready to see what we have planned?" Mom asked.

They lazily mumbled an agreement.

"Come on, guys." I groaned. "Wake upp. It'll be fun I swear."


We were headed to the amusement park, they guys not knowing where we were going.

"Autuuummmnnnn!" Nathan whined. "Tell us, pleeaaassseee."

"Nope." I said, smirking.

"At least give us a hint." Tom asked.

"Hmm.." I thought of a way to give a hint with out giving away the answer. "Uhm.. tons of fun." I said in more of a question than a statement.

"That doesn't help!" Siva laughed.

"You're the worst cousin ever. Aiden is now my favorite." Nathan said.

"Yes." Aiden personally celebrated.

"I'm not gonna budge!" I said, laughing. As I said that, my phone went off, notifying me of a text message. I unlocked my phone to reply.


Hey, babe :) wanna walk around a bit today?


Ni, I'd love to, honestly, but I'm spending all day with my family because it's one of my last days that I have off to spend with Nathan and the guys. They're leaving in a week. Sorry :(


Ahh, it's alright. Spend time with your family. I'll text ya later or something. Bye Xx

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