Chapter Nine

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I parked my car and rushed into the Airport. I can't wait to see Bianca. Only a few more minutes until she lands.

I sit down on one of the chairs and wait.

After a few minutes, I heard a female voice say "Flight 249 has landed."

I knew that was Bianca's flight number because she texted me about it.

The plane doors opened and people flooded out. I tried pushing throught the crowd to see if I could reach Bianca, but it was useless. Or atleast I thought until I heard a voice yell "Autumn!"

I turned around and saw an older version of the little Bianca that I remember, standing nearly 20 feet away from me.

"Oh My God! Bianca!" I said running towrds her taking her into an embrace. We stood like that for about five minutes. We broke apart from our hug and looked at each other. We both nearly had tears in our eyes.

"Oh my God I missed you guys so much!" Bianca said talking about my family and I.

We laughed and I helped her with her bags to my car. We put her luggage and everything in the trunk and climbed in.

"I can't believe it's already been 5 years since we've last seen each other when I visited Jersey." I said on the ride back.

"I know right! It's been 5 years too long." She giggled. "So I see you've passed your drivers test. But it's weird how the steering wheel is on the right side not the left. London is confusing." She said and we both laughed.

"Yes. I did. And yeah. It is. Did you pass yours?" I asked as I finished giggling.

"Yeah I passed it." She responded.

Just then I got an idea and I pulled over to the side if the road.

"What are you doing?" Bianca asked, confusion tangled in her voice.

I unbuckled my seat belt and turned towards her. "Do you want to drive a London-style car?" I asked. Her eyes widened and a smile grew on her face.

"Really?" She asked. I nodded my head. "Yes!" She said.

We both got out of the car on the side of the busy road. Thank God we pulled over. We changed seats and buckled up.

"Ok I guess it's pretty much the same as in America just on the different side of the car. Considering I never drove an American-style car, myself." I said

Bianca studied the part of the car that was in front of her. "Yeah. It's pretty much the same."

She checked to see if any cars were coming and pulled off the side of the road.

I gave her the directions to my house and before we knew it we were in my drive way.

"Easier than I thought." Binoca said and smiled. I smiled back and let out a little chuckle.

"Come on. Lets get your stuff out of the car and you can sleep in my room with me. I'll kick Nathan to his sister's or my brother's room." I said as we got out of the car and laughed.

"You and Nathan share a room?" She asked as we closed the trunk and headed to the door.

"Yeah and his band mates share a room. Two in each." I said nonchalantly.

"Ok. I love you and all, put please no rich talk." She said as we entered.

"Haha. C'mon. I'll take you to my room."

"She isn't sleeping in your room. Is she?" Nathan asked as he passed.

"Hello to you too Nathan." She said giggling.

"Haha. Yeah she is. You are either going to Jessica or Aiden's room. You choose." I said.

Aiden walked in to the room and said "Nathan you can sleep on the extra bed in my room."

"Thanks. Anyway, hi Bianca." He said hugging her.

"Haha hey. And hi Aiden. My God you've gotten big. Still have a crush on me?" She asked laughing. Aiden's cheeks turned a bright red. "Haha. Awe." She said giving him a hug.

"Anyway, after we unpack your things for the week, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the mall with my friend, Aria, and I? Maybe get you some London-style clothes?" I asked as we headed upstairs with her bags.

"That would be awesome." Binoca said as we entered my room, Nathan following to gather is stuff to move to Aiden's room. "So who is Aria?" She asked.

"She was the first friend I made when I first came to London. She works at Starbucks with me."

"Oh, cool." She said as she put her luggage in the closet and shut the closet door. "Alright. Lets go pick up Aria and head to the mall." She said and we headed downstairs.

"Well, my family wants to say hi to you, first." I said and we entered the living room. "Bianca, you remember my mom and dad."

"Hi Mr. and Mrs. Mei." She said as she waved.

"And this is Siva, Tom, Max, and Jay." I said pointing to each of them as I said their name. She waved to them and I finally said "and this is my Uncle Harry. Nathan's father." She said hi and waved and I turned towards my parents.

"Mom, Dad we are going to the mall with Aria."

"Ok. Have fun." My dad responded

"Do you have your phone with you?" My mom asked.

"Yeah. Ok bye."

I said as we left and went to get Aria.

A/N: ohhhhh fun! to the mall! Lol sorry it probably isn't long but I uploaded it on my iPod and it doesn't tell me how many pages it is or whatever. So yeah. Please share to your friends. I have a surprise for you in the next chapter :3 hehe. Lol so please share, comment, vote, fan, follow. Mkay. Thanks. Bye. :)

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