Chapter Seventeen

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I continued driving to work.

I hope Ari gets better soon.

I walked into work, checked in, grabbed my apron, tied my hair up, and headed to the back. Jake, Marissa, John and Scott were all in the back waiting for Dave to give them there jobs for the day.

"Hey, guys. What's up?" I say walking over next to Scott.

"Not much. Just waiting for Dave to arrive." he said slinging is arm over my shoulder. Scott and I are best friends. He was the first boy I met when I came to London. Ever since then, we've been inseparable, Ari, Scott and I. When we all got the job for Starbucks, in my opinion, I think we were the happiest we'd been together.

Not too long after, Dave arrived.

"I'm here. Sorry I'm a bit late. I kept hitting snooze on my alarm. Ahah." Dave said as he entered the back room. "We are one worker short today because Aria called in sick. But we can try to make it work, right?" he said with a smile.

"I'm sure we can. So what's everyone's jobs for today?" Marissa asked.

"Well Autumn," he looked at me, "You will be working up front, again. Along with John." he finished as he looked over to John.

"Alright, cool." John said as he came over to me and gave me a high five.

"Scott, Marissa and Jake, you'll be working in the back and anywhere else needed." he finished. "Now, lets get ready to open."

We all departed to go to our assigned jobs. A few minutes before we opened I quickly went around to the tables and cleaned them off. Now for the Morning Rush. This is the time when we get our early usual customers who order the same thing a lot.

"Hey, Autumn do you know of anyone big is coming in today?" John asked.

"The only one I know for sure is The Wanted because my cousin, Nathan, is bringing in my Aunt. But I'm not sure about anyone else." I responded.

When I turned away from John, one of out regular older men came in.

"Hey, Bill. How are you doing today?" I greeted him.

"I'm wonderful how are you today, hon?" he gently smiled at me.

"I'm good thank you. So what would you like today?" I asked ready to write down his order.

"I would like to have just a regular black coffee, thank you."

"What size?"

"The second to smallest one, please." I smiled because I actually think it's cute that he doesn't know the cup sizes. I wrote down his order 'Black Coffe - Grande'  and handed it to Jake.

"Your coffee will be ready in a minute if you would like to sit and wait." I informed him.

"Thank you. I'll be sitting over there." he said pointing and heading towards a seat by the window.

"I'll bring it to you when it's ready." I said and began to take more orders. Bills coffee was ready really soon so I quickly walked over and handed it to him.

"Here you go, Bill. One hot, black coffee."

"Thank you, Autumn."

I went back to the counter to finish dealing with the Rush. In about an hour and 45 minutes the Rush had ended. When things slowed down, and there wasn't much sign of anyone, Scott came out and began cleaning tables. I joined in and helped him by picking up any cups, wrappers, napkins, et cetera that were just lying around.

"Another good Morning Rush, huh?" he asked.

"Yep. And another good Lunch Rush soon to come. Hahah." I responded.

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