Chapter Eight

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I woke up pretty early but I didn't care. Today I was off again. Not only that, but my best friend from when I was little is visitng. Bianca. I'm so excited! Bianca and I hung out pretty much everyday. We were literally the best of friends. That was until I had to move here to London. Bianca and I obviously cried and spent the last day I had in America, pretty much inseperable. I hated my parents for having to move here for their jobs at first, but I guess mom wanted to be back home. Plus, I kind of like it here, now.

I got out of my bed, and walked into my bathroom. I took a quick shower and changed into some pretty normal cholthes. Just some black shorts, a white tank top and a blue and white tank top-like shirt to go over top of it.

I then put on some normal makeup, except for the eye shadow and lip gloss. I then went back to Nathan and I's room, only to find that Nathan wasn't there. I guess I just didn't notice he wasn't there. I left the room and saw that the other boys were still asleep. I continued to the kitchen to see if anyone else was awake. I saw Nathan making tea and Mom, Dad, and Uncle Harry in the dinning room talking and already drinking coffe and/or tea. 

"Hello." I said as I entered and gave Mom, Dad and Uncle Harry a kiss on the cheek and Nathan a hug.

Like I said, we hug.. a lot.

"Hi, honey. You all dressed up for something?" Mom asked.

"Yeah. Bionca is visiting for a few days. Remember?" I reminded her as I went to get some Pop Tarts and put them into the toaster. Nathan just laughed as he watched me. "What? You got a problem with Pop Tarts?" I asked as I turned to face him.

"No. It's just.. never mind" he said as he laughed more and shook his head.

"No. No 'never mind'. It's obviously something." I said laughing and moving closer to him.

He laughed harder and started to back up as I walked forward. He eventually backed into the wall and couldn't move. Me, knowing he is ticklish, began to attack him and tickle him. He immediately fell to the floor, doubled in laughter. I stoped in about a minute, finishing his 'torture'.

I got up and helped him up and proceeded back to the toaster to receive my Pop Tarts. Nathan grabbed his tea and we sat at the table and had a chat with Mom, Dad and Uncle Harry. 

We were talking and Tom, Siva and Jay walked in. 

"Max still asleep?" I asked

"Nah. He is on the phone with his brother, Jack." Tom replied

I just nodded my head and got up to put my plate in the sink. Aiden and Jessica walked in after I sat back down. 

"Morning." Jess said as she sat down.

"Hey" Aiden said. 

We all responded with 'Hello' or 'Good Morning'.

My phone started to buzz and the screen lit up telling me it was a text. From Bionca. It read:


Hey! I'm so excited! I'll be landing in 15 minutes! Are you going to meet me at the Airport?

I replied immediately. 


I'm excited, too! Can't wait to see you! And yeah I'll meet you at the Airport.


Great! See you in a few!


Yay! So excited!! :D

"Who you texting?" Tom asked.


"Who's that?" Jay asked

I didnt reply and continued texting.

Nathan sighed and answered for me "Her best friend from when she was little. She lives back in America."

"Ohh." Jay said as he sat down with tea in hand.

"I'm going to the Airport to meet Bianca. Bye." I said as I got up, grabbed my car keys, and headed towards the door.

Today is the day I hang out with my best friend from America.

A/N: Yes I know it isnt much, but I promised my friend I would definitely update to day. And I have been busy with graduation and such.. so yeah.. anyway, here it is. Mkay. Bye. :D

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