Chapter Twenty-One

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Niall's POV

I woke up to the sound of my phone alarm going off. It's seven-thirty in the morning.

I just couldn't fall asleep last night. I'm still hung up about the fact that Autumn could or couldn't be seeing another guy. I need to talk to her soon. I can't wait to talk to her in the park this afternoon.

"You up, mate?" Liam asked me from the little kitchen area of the hotel room. We shared one room while Zayn, Harry and Louis shared another.

"Yeah, I'll be ready in a few." I said, getting off the bed and walking to the bathroom. I undressed myself and took a quick shower. I wrapped a towel around my waist and walked out. I headed towards my suitcase and grabbed black jeans and a red t-shirt. I quickly threw the items on and walked over to the kitchen, joining Liam. He handed me a mug filled with coffee. "Thanks." I said, accepting the mug.

He nodded in response. "Just, recording for the new album today." he said, trying to start conversation.

"Do you really think she'd see another guy?" I asked out of the blue, completely changing the subject.

"What?" he seemed confused. Oh, right. I haven't told or shown him what Louis sent me.

"Louis ran into Autumn at the mall yesterday with a close friend of hers. His name's Scott. They work together, too. Louis told me that their arms were linked while they were walking. He also told me that she had kissed his cheek. I didn't believe him, at first. Then, he sneakily took pictures of them. And he was right." I explained. I showed him the texts from Louis.

"I don't think she'd do that. I mean, your relationship is young, but she seems to really like you. And I'm sure Louis was just looking out for you." he replied. I nodded.

Autumn's POV

I headed to work for my early shift. I was still upset at Niall for thinking that I would actually cheat on him. I know our relationship is new and all, but I just thought he'd have more trust in me.

When I walked in, I punched in, grabbed my apron and headed to the back; as I do any other day. Scott was off today and Ari had a later shift. So I wouldn't be seeing them for a while.

"Hey, guys." I said to everyone that was back there today.

"Wassup." Jake said as he threw up the peace sign, making everyone laugh.

"Ah, everyone's here today." Dave said, grabbing our attention. He just cut right to the chase and started assigning jobs. "John and Marissa, you'll be working the registers. Autumn and Jake, you'll be at the smoothie station and cleaning the tables. Sierra, Austin and Gavin, you'll do coffee. All coffee. Including Frappuccinos, Cappuccinos, Espressos, even Tea. You get the point. Well, let's open, shall we?" He smiled.

In the mornings, smoothies aren't normally ordered. So, Jake and I just kinda stand there, gong out to clean the tables every once in a while. Occasionally, well have to make a few smoothies, but not too often.

I looked at the clock. It was only nine. I rolled my eyes in anticipation. This day seems that it'll go by pretty slow. Why can't it just be at least twelve already? I thought.

"I know we aren't that close and all, but I feel like you're upset or waiting for something." I heard next to me. It was Jake.

"Little bit of both, actually." I responded.

"Need to get something off your chest?"

"Nah, I don't think so. Thanks, though." I smiled.

"If you need to rant, or something, I'm right here."

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