Chapter Two

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I get into my car and head off to work.

It's not too far a drive, really. Just a few blocks down the road from here.

Anyway, I start the car and back out of the driveway.. until some kid on a bike drives past me. I slam my brakes to keep from hitting him. I honk my horn, too. Watch it, kid. I think to my self. I continue to pull out of the driveway and head to work.

Once I'm there, I punch in. My work hours today are from 10 A.M. to 7 P.M.

"Hey, Autumn." My friend and co-worker, Aria, says. I call her Ari for short.

"Hey, Ari." I reply. "So, whats the agenda for today?" I ask as I grab my apron and put it on.

"Well, you probably already know that The Wanted is coming. Considering you are Nathan's cousin." she says as she giggles.

"Haha. Yep" I say. "Do you know if anyother famous person is coming?"

"Well.. to be honest, I'm not sure.." She says, in thought.

"Ahh. Autumn. You're here." I heard Dave, the manager, speak.

"Yep. Anywhere special you need me to work today?" I asked.

"Actually, yes. You'll be working the register and counter, today. And Aria, you'll be helping her." He told us. Ari and I looked at eachother and smiled. We love when we work together.

Today, the shop was pretty busy. One guy came in and, as a joke, ordered a coffee and asked for the name to be 'Primrose Everdeen' on the coffee cup. When I said the name "Primrose Everdeen!" a different guy shouted "I voulenteer as tribute!" took the cup and left. The guy that ordered it had the funniest expression on his face. He was so surprised. It was priceless!

It was now 1:00 P.M. and Nathan and the guys are coming at 1:30 P.M.

The shop was a bit calmed down now and Ari and I were just cleaning off the counter when these five boys walked in. They were all really cute! But two of them were really cute and really stood out. One had dark brunette curly hair and the most beautiful emerald eyes. The second was even cuter. He had blonde hair with brunette roots. He aslo had the most gorgeous blue eyes I had ever seen. The third was tall, his hair was a quiff-like mohawk kind of thing. His eyes were a darkish brown. The fourth had a black quiff on top of his head and dark brown eyes. The last one had a brownish color hair quiff thing. He had gorgeous blue eyes, too.

I looked over at Aria and we just stared at each other with our mouths slightly open and looked back at the boys.

"Umm.. Excuse me, erm.. Miss?" the one with the emerald eyes started.

"Uh.. H-Hi.." I said escaping from my trance. "What can I get you?"

"Uhm.. Can I just have a cappuccino?" he asked.

"Yeah, sure. Would you like your name on the cup?" I asked as I wrote down his order.

"Yes, please. Harry." Harry. That reminded me of my Uncle Harry. I smiled at him, wrote that down, and took the dirty-blonde haired one's order.

"Hi. Can I have a.. uhm.." He began to studder and ended his sentence there. He had an amazing Irish accent that could make a girl melt. We found ourselves staring into each others eyes. "Uhm can I have an Iced Coffee please?" He finished his sentence.

"Sure." I smiled and wrote down his order "Any certain flavor?"

"Just.. regular.. please.."

"No problem. Would you like your name on the cup, as well?" I asked.

"Oh. Yes please.. Niall." He said and smirked. Niall is a perfect name! It was gorgeous! I wrote that down and took the one with the black hair's order last. Ari got the other two.

"Hi. And can I have a Vanilla Frappuccino, please?"He asked.

"Yep. Would you like your name on the cup, too?" I asked as I wrote the order down.

"Oh. Yes, please. Zayn." Well, thats a unique name. I might have spelled it wrong on the cup, hahaha. I think its cool though.

"Alright your orders will be done in a few minutes." I say.

"Ok, thank you." Harry said.

"No problem." I responded.

Then they went to sit at a booth to wait.

"Autumn? Aria?" Dave asked. "You two know who thy are, right?"

I shook my head no but Aria nodded her head so rapidly it looked as though it would fall off. Dave and Ari looked at me like I was crazy.

"That's One Direction!" Aria whisper-yelled.

"Doesn't ring a bell. But what I can tell is that.. they are pretty hot." I said completely serious. They just looked at me like I was crazy., Then it hit me.

Nathan had been telling me about some band named One Direction and how they don't like each other or something. But Nathan said Niall and him are closer than the others.

"Ohhh... Ok. Ok. I know now. Natahan told me about them." I told them.

"Oh thank god you know who they are. They are like the most famous boy band in the world." I look at her. "Well,.. probably.. tied with.. The Wanted.."

"Oh, gee. Nice save." Dave says sarcasitally.

"Order up for five!" I hear from the back. I go to get the order.

"I'll bring these to the boys."

I headed over to the booth they were in. As I walked over they all looked at me ready for their drinks.

"Ok. Here we are. Ok. Louis?"

"Right here, love. Thanks." He said as I handed him his coffee.

"Yep. Ok. Liam?"

"Here. Thanks." I handed him his drink and handed the others their drinks.

Once I got to Niall, he looked right into my eyes and smiled and said thanks.

"No problem. Alright. You guys need anything else?" I asked

They all responded with a 'No.' or 'No thank you.'

"Alright if you need anything at all just ask for Autumn." I said as I turned away.

"That's a beautiful name." I heard an Irish voice say. He probably didnt mean to say it out loud, but I still responed.

"Thank you." I turned back around and smiled.

"No problem." He said and smiled. We were staring into each others eyes again for about five seconds then the door opened and a bell rang. I looked up to see Nathan and the guys...

A/N: Ohh. What do you think will happen?! I know what happens :3 Haha. Anywho Please tell me how it is in the comments maybe? Until then please COMMENT/VOTE/FOLLOW maybe? Mkay More Uploads soon. Mkay Bye :)

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